Page 349 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (II)_Neat
P. 349
ll is of interest lo notice dial (luring the past year die overside deliveries for the mainland
ol Arabia have increased, thus illustrating die importance of . this port as an entrepot. It is
thought possible that this (|iiaiitit\ will decrease in the next year owing’ to (aj the possible, limita
tion of activity in the operations of The California Arabian Standard Oil Company, and (b) the
increasing How ol imports into Saudi-Arabia via the port of Kuwait; but there can be. no doubt
that the Customs' regulations in Hahrain operate to encourage trade into the mainland via
Bahrain. 'I his is largely 'due to the working of the "optional system" which encourages re-exports,
although, owing to the exigencies of war, ilii* system is subject to tin- I'nod Control which
gives preference to the needs of this State before permitting exports.
In view ol the successful working of the Optional System, it was decided to extend its
scope to any port to which an export may be destined, instead of, as formerly, only to certain
treaty ports on the mainland of Arabia. It will therefore be interesting to see to what extent,
under the present restrictions, the re-export iradio, is maintained.
The system of issuing free manifests for cargo borne in native crall to the mainland ports
ut Saudi-Arabia is still maintained, and appears to be appreciated locally.
Accidents within the Hurl.—There were two accidents within the port, both in the. stormy
period of 20—22 Dhul Haj, 1359, wherein (a) two motor launches came into collision and one
was sunk, and (b) a local sailing craft between Manainah and Maharraq was swamped and
sank. There was no loss of life.
Establishment.—During the past year the number of clerks employed was 22, also four
apprentices, all of whom drew in salaries and allowances Rs. 45,559, a slight increase over the
previous year on account of regular annual increments. The menials numbered 41, who drew in
wages Rs. 15,193. An arrangement was made whereby the menials' wages receive an annual
increment of one rupee for satisfactory service; ami consequently changes in the staff arc very
infrequent. The amounts estimated for this service were: Rs. 53,182 for the clerks; and Rs.
i4,7fxi for the menials. Thus the saving in actual payments over the estimates amounted to
Rs. 7,190.
This staff dealt with the receiving, handling, and delivery of the above considerable quantities
of dutiable cargo, and also all the export cargo, with the maintenance of the necessary records
therefor, including a large volume of statistical ami other reports for the service of The Political
Agency, which service is rendered free. The duty-free imports, including those of the Bahrain
role urn Coy.,, were also dealt with. In all, six thousand eight hundred and ninety-seven
Bills of Entry covering imports, and six thousand seven hundred and twenty-eight Slopping'
Bills covering exports, and also one thousand nine hundred and three Direct Transhipment Bills
were lodged for the payment of duty and relative appraisement.
The operation of the Food Control system lias given additional work to the Customs Depart
ment without any increase in staff.
All the Customs officers of one year’s service are eligible lo participate in the Hahrain
(iovernment’s Provident Fund which is partly contributory and partly subsidised by the Govern
ment with a view to accumulating a retirement fund for a clerk when his services cease. In
addition to such donations to the British Government’s war effort as may have been privately-
contributed, a Customs War Savings Association has been initiated for such senior clerks as
desire to subscribe u» it. The plan is simple: each contributor giving one anna in the rupee of
his salary, and the collections are immediately invested in Indian Government Savings Certificates
of the ten-rupee denomination. The purchased Certificates are immediately handed to each member
as his subscriptions pay the cost of same. This scheme has proved to be popular, and is worthy
of extension lo other Bahrain Government Departments.
Concessions ami Exemptions.—There is no import or export duty upon specie or bullion,
as distinguished from gold or silver ornaments; and a considerable amount passes through
.Bahrain especially during the Pearling Season, and also for financing the. exchange between
India and Saudi-Arabia.
During the past year there lias been a markedly increased activity in traffic in specie and’
bullion, by far the largest proportion being exported to Iraq, a State within the sterling bloc;
and. it is feared that some proportion of this may be re-exported thence to other States not
within the sterling bloc, a factor which might operate against British interests. 1 give the
comparative value of such exports.--