Page 348 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (II)_Neat
P. 348


                      The service of these two lines is of vital importance to the life of this State; since the
                    D.I.S.N. Coy., Ltd., brings all the foodstulVs of the State imported from India, while the Strick-
                    Kllcrman Line brings here all the British exports to Bahrain. The exigencies of the war have
                    transferred many of these steamers for service in other directions; and, while it is believed that
                    the steamship companies are making every clTort to maintain their service to the State, vet
                    this reduced and irregular service gives cause for uneasiness among the merchants, which is
                    reflected in reduced imports.
                       It must not he forgotten that native craft can ply between Bahrain and Indian# ports only in
                    the winter-time on account of the south-western monsoon; and consequently such craft can he
                    relied upon to bring only a proportion of the foodslulTs heeded by this State. This fact, therefore,
                    gives cause for careful consideration of the local situation and its needs for the. immediate future.
                       From the above number of tankships' visits it will be surmised that the activity in oil pro­
                    duction has been very eonsidcrable. The quantity of crude oil imported from Saudi—Arabia
                    for refinement in Sitrah during 1350 was 11,44,497 barrels, all of which, by special arrangement,
                    is admitted free of duty.
                       The exports of Bahrain Oil Products during 1350 were.—
                                                 Draws.         7' ons.
                          Crude Oil                 45
                          Gasoline               45.542        4.35.o6i
                          Diesel Oil              6,878         74.742
                          Fuel Oil                             2,I7,2«»
                          Aviation Gasoline      *, 939
                          Aviation Lubricating Oil ...   37
                          Furnace Oil                            1.925
                          Kerosene Oil ...        7.723        2.33.921
                          Gas Oil                    6           >3.113
                          Lubricants                18
                          Motor Oil
                                        Total. ...  59.207     9.76.059
                    as compared with a total of 8,<>0,971 tons in 1358.
                       1 give• bClow a comparison of the quantities of cargo brought to this port by cargo steamers
                   ■{as distinguished from tankships) during the past year:—
                                     COMPARATIVE STATKMKNTS OF C ARGO.
                                                  VKAR .358               YEAR >359
                                          Quantity IiiiiiImI. Quant it) d«:liv»Tnl   Quantity delivered
                                                        IlUfMlIl'.  Ou.uuity landed.   overside.
                    B.I.S.N. Cov., Ltd.  ... . 2,40,826  >.43.'AS  , 2,00,163    2,60.754

                    British Tanker Coy.      65,769      .40,680      69, 182     4 5.**3
                    Mitsui Line              64,148       2.746       8,662          500
                    Strick-Ellcrman          40,464       6,038       15.004       5.6|7
                    Yamashita. Line          35.o*5       5. >7'      7,864        3,000
                   Pacific-J ava-Silver      19,202       7.707       20,994       12,606
                    Asiatic S.N. Coy., Ltd.   >5.707      9.073       >3.a5»       7,276
                    Hansa Line                6.7 >7    1,1.*,448
                    Isthmian Line             5.528        850        2.956        13A52
                    Baron Line                3. >22
                    Lloyd Triestino
                                                *5        3.534
                                   Totals ...  4.'/J,5 >3  3.32.032  3,3ft.676   3.5«.4*»
                       The quantity of packages discharged  ex tankships were 9,763, and 15,000 empty jute sacks.
                       The above figures do not include the duty-free packages imported by the Bahrain Petroleum
                   ’Coy*. Ltd., which aggregated 2,67,159 during the year 1358, as compared with 1,97,224  in the
                   past year.
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