Page 337 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (II)_Neat
P. 337

        A ir Conditioning. —
           The following residences were equipped with units lor the summer of 135*1: —
              II. B. M.'s Political Agent            3
              C. Dairymple Bclgrave, Esq.            1
              C. C. L. <le Cirenier, Esq.            1
              CASOC Representative                   2
              Bahrain (iovernment—Law Court Plats    2
              Hahrain Government—S.E.'s Bungalow     j
              Bahrain Government—Doctor’s flat       1
              Hahrain Government—Lady Doctor’s flat   1
              'file Eastern Hank, Limited            1
              Messrs. Petroleum Concessions, Ltd.    S
              Messrs. Gray Mackenzie & Co., Ltd.     2
              Hritislt Overseas Air Corporation      4
              Messrs. Holloway Brothers (Govt. Rest House).  2
             Jufair Naval Hasc (part of the summer)  2
          An air-conditioning unit (central plai) was installed in the Air Liaison Olficcr’s premises at
       Gudhaibia during 1359, the supply being taken from the Government mains.
          Six more units have been ordered to meet Government demands in 1360. Several oilier units
       hatfc been ordered by private users.
       II. —Government Telephone Department.
          The number of subscribers connected to dale, is 88, and applications for connection continue
       to be received. The new fifty line exchange ordered at the beginning- of the year is not yet to
       hand, due to shipping delays, but is expected within the next few months. 'Hie Government
       Hospital was equipped with a temporary domestic exchange to interconnect sections of the
       Hospital. A new 20 line board has been ordered for this puposc.
          Several other concerns were equipped with private boards to deal with their local distribu­
       tion (such as Jufair Naval Rase, British Overseas Air Corporation, and Mason Memorial
       Hospital, etc.).
          Tenders have been asked for in connection with multi-core underground telephone cable, and
       multi-core centenary cables with a view to replacing the present bare overhead lines, in certain
       sections of the town. This would assist to release the mechanical strain on existing poles, as
       well as to improve telephone reception.
          The exchange wiring, which had deteriorated through damp, etc., has been renewed as
       opportunity served.
       III. —Transport Department.
          The usual servicing of Government vehicles was carried out during the year. The number
       of services done being 1,037.
       IV. —Fire Section.
          A number of small fires were extinguished by the Fire Section during the year. No major
       fires occurred.
       V. —Traffic Section.
          The State Engineer’s Department continued to carry out the registration of all the motor
       vehicles in the Stale (five hundred and thirteen vehicles) and the testing of brakes, lights, speeds,
       etc., in accordance with the Hahrain Government Motor Vehicle Proclamation of 1357.
          The licensing (and rc-licensing) of all drivers was also carried out by this Department, 80
       drivers being examined during 1359, out of whom 45 passed.
          License-holders for all motor vehicles were obtained from England and fitted to wind screens
       in the usual manner, and each taxi driver was given a numbered disc to wear.
          More danger and directional traffic signs (fitted with reflex lenses) have been erected at
       suitable points, such as dangerous cross roads, concealed turnings, etc., in the town of Manamah.
       VI. —Oil Royalty and other Gauging.
          The whole of the oil produced by the Bahrain Petroleum Company’s field, amounting to-
       941,204 tons, was gauged and sampled by this Department, also 40 cargoes of refined oil  amount-
       >ng to 288,794 Ions, were sampled and tested for the Bahrain Petroleum Company.
          All the crude oil shipped from CASOC to Zellaq and Sitra, Hahrain, was gauged, amounting:
       10 583.639 tons.

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