Page 125 - DILMUN 16_Neat
P. 125
٠of note hat no sealings fron door egs hae ye ﺍbeen found at Saar, though
a٠ sorrme
sealings are so fragmentary thal this ossibility cannot be entirely ruled out.
As ell as the sealings fron
jars or bundles, there are a fe-.
ieces of tags or labels. Of thece,
the most interesting is an oal ﺍag
ith the remains of a string hole at
one end, shoing signs of burnirnﻉ,
and ith to different imressiornﺕ
on it (2:11). One fact shos a
standing figﻫre in a short sir٤,
hile the second shos a stylied
heel of four, horned, aniaml
heads joined at the center by a
large hatched circle. t has neeb
suggested elsehere that theee
animal grous may hae neb
used by a articular grou of
eole ithin society ho ielded
economic and administratie
oe(9). This tag ith is ﺍo
imressions may suort the
Fig.21: 'Seal imression shoing nuen hyothesis, as the animal heel
eaing, 196٠١ (Scale 2:1) design can be seen as counter
signing or alidating hte rifst sela,
in a ay aralleled at Malyan and many other sites from the fourth milleinnum
onardg (1.)
As remared in reious years, the disrtibuiton of seals, and no of imressiorns,
is ery uneen. House 1, no fully ecaated has yielded the highest concentration,
ith ten comlete seals and a clay toen. The designs on the seals are all differne,t
and there is no common theme.
House roduced fie seal1ﻭ1)), and House 21, sitll under ecaation, ahs
already roduced four seals and ten imressions. House 6 roduced three seals, one
of them shell, and three imressions. This building, as discussed aboe, seems to
hae had a secialied function. The imressions, one of the stone seals, and hte shell
seal, came from to leels in area 68, hich from its osiiton in the building, may
ahe been an oen court. hTe second stone seal came from Area to hte rear ٤ the
bu٠ildi٠ng. House , adj٠acent to House 6, iy٠elded trhee seals and to sael
House 211, also sit٠ll i٠n the roc٠ess of ecaaoiton٠ , roide:d tenty t١ seal