Page 126 - DILMUN 16_Neat
P. 126

'his season another eamle       (2144:٦, Fig.18) shoed a male figure ho aears to
be riding a quadrued ith
                           a long, ruffed nec. The seal, hoeer, is rather orn. A

                                                second, (2:2,   Fig 19) ith a

                                                cone rofile, shos a seated fig­

                                                ure cdrining through a stra,

                                                hile a standing figure holds a fly

                                                his () oer him. A third eam­

                                                le of this linear style (219:1) is

                                                close to eamles from Fasilaa,

                                                and shos a geometric, heel-lie

                                                design. t is not ossible on

                                                resent eidence to determine

                                                hether the obsered differences

                                                are to be attributed to chronologi­

                                                cal factors, to different orshos,

                                                or to fashion.

           Fig. 19.: Seal ith aman drining,                As stated aboe, the designs on
                    2:2 (Scale 2:1)                    the seal imressions, here these
                                                       ere legible, are alays in the
crouched figures on either side of a tetile           Dilmun style. One fine eamle
                                                      (196:1, Fig 2) shos to
eamles     of multile                        or net, ossibly eaing. There are seeral

imressions from a single                      Fig.2: 'Seal inression shoing men
                                                   eaing, 96:١ (Scale 2:1)
seal. Fie  fragments

(1622:4,6  [to iecesl,

‫ﻱ‬8( came from inside a jar

in House 2 and each bore a

crab moif. Trhee frag‫ﻫ‬ents

rfom the temle (19:62)

each sho art of the sirts

of three standing figures. Fie

ieces, ith a design of

horned animals ith a turtle

or tortoise (12:18-22, Fig.

21), ere found in House

2111, lying around a large jar,

rfom hich they aeared to

hae fallen. n addiiton to the

string and jar imressions

already mentioned, the bacs

of the seals also bore in

imressions of fingerrints,

and in one case of tetile. t is

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