Page 420 - PERSIAN 3 1883_1890
P. 420
In August two Hindu traders were attacked and slightly woundod by Bedouin* during
the abeenco of Shaikh Josim. Khan Bahadur Abdur Rahikn Hakim proceeded to the *pot in
H. M. 8. Kingfisher and investigated the matter. Thoro was strong suspicion of oollu-
sion on the part of 8hnikh Jasim; but as it was not proved that ho woe oonoernod, and a* he
disavowed having had any hand in tho outrage in a very solemn manner, it was not consider
ed necessary or advisable to take severe steps ngninot him.
During tho autumn several cases of petty piracy occurred on tho coast of El-Katr.
Small parties of Beni-Hajir Bedouins seizing small boats lying on the shore put out in them
and robbed passing ycsscls. In view to checking these disorders H. M. 8. Sphinx proceeded
to the Katr coast carrying the Residency Confidential Agent, Aga Muhammad Rahim, who
had interviews with various hcadm'cn, delivered the Resident's letters to them, and obtained
verbally and in writing assurances of their co-operation in endeavouring to put down these
Several robberies took place On boats of Bahrain in the waters of El-Kateef, the Turkish
officials showing their usual apathy and indifference. Reports of these incidents were for
warded, as usual, to the Political Resident in Turkish Arabia.
Muhammad-bin-Abdul 'Wahab, who bad continued to keep up an active correspondence
with the Turkish officials of El-Hasa and Turkish Arabia, visited Bahrain in winter. He
was there met by the El-Jehrain from El-Gherayah,about 250 in number, and it was arranged
that these people should settle at Darain inthe Kateef District, where Mahammad-bin-
Abdul Wahab would join them later and become their leader. He obtained permission of
the Governor of El-Hasa for this settlement. Probably, indeed, it hod been preconcerted
for some time. By this migration El-Ghareyah has become nearly depopulated, whilst Dsrain
appears on the fair way to becoming a village of seme importance.
The administration of the province of Fars has undergone no change since the last report
was written. In former years the whole province, extending from Bushire to the Mekran
coast, aJ ^ng the sea coast, was under a Governor-General whose seat of Government was the
central town of Shiraz. At present the Government of Shiraz is subordinate to His Royal
Highness the Zil-es-Sultan, who resides at Ispahan, and the eea-ports of Tdngah, Bunder
Abass and dependencies are severed from the Government of Shiraz and are uader theAmeen-
es-Sultan, Minister for Customs, &c., who administers these districts from the capital.
At Shiraz the titular Governor is His Royal Highness the Jelal-ed-dowlah, now entered
on adolescence, but His Excellency the Sahib Diwan continue*
to be the virtual administrator of that portion of Fare which
is still under the Government of Shiraz, and his rule during tho period under review was angu
larly unfortunate.
Although the rainfall of 1885-86 was abundant, the crops were again attacked by “rust
aud the harvest was consequently scanty. Great distress prevailed in Shiraz culminating in »
severe bread riot in July. On this occasion the Persian Telegraph Office was entered by tee
mob and wrecked, and the persons of the Telegraph officers were for a time in considerable
Throughout the districts of Shiraz much disorder prevailed and robberies and outrage
were very frequent. The Kashkai and other Eels were completely out of hand, and plundered
without fear and with impunity. This state of things was intensified by quarrels between tije
Eel-Khani, Sultan Muhammad Khan, and the Eel-Begi, Darab Khan, neither of whom co
lected or paid the State revenues. ^
Private dissensions also existed between the Sahib Diwan and. his nephew, the ^*wW*®*
ol-MuDc, which, doubtless, contributed much to keep up disorder in the town and districts,
strife between the relatives has recently led to the downfall of the Kawwam-ul-Mulk, who
taken to Ispahan and put in chains. The Eel-Begi, Darab Khan, has also encountered
similar fate, and the affaire of the Kashkai Eels have been entrusted to tee Eel-Khani.
The Foreign Office Agent at 8hiraz, Mires Muhammad Khan, Motemin-cl-W
having been transferred to the same post at Bushire, was succeeded by Haji Mirra Ag* >
nephew of the Sahib Diwan.
Her Majesty's Jubilee was celebrated at Shiraz oh 16th February.
Haji Muhammad Mehdi, the Malek-et-Tujar, who was Governor of fa
opening of tee year, resigned in May and
Bodriieand DiztricU.
the Government by Hap Fate Ali Khan. Snbsequs*v