Page 421 - PERSIAN 3 1883_1890
P. 421
Exoellency Haji Nneir-ul-Malk win appointed Governor of Bushiro and its districto, whilst
Mirza Husain Khan, Motcmin-ul-Mulk, waa mode Governor of Behb&han.
Scriona diotarbanoca took place at Borazjan in April.
A French vessel of war, the 8an/, visited Bushire in April and proceeded to Mohamme-
rnh, where they embarkod M. and Madame Dieulafoy, who had been excavating the rains at
Susa and carried to France a largo u Trouvaille/1
The U. 8. frigate Brooklyn visited Boshire in November, and the Captain and several
officers visited Shiraz, where thoy were hospitably received and entertained.
Chevalier R. C. Kcun de Hoogcrwocrd, Consular Representative of the Netherlands in
Persia, returned to Bushire from leave in February.
Shaikh Kadthooh has remained in charge of Lingah as Deputy Governor, contracting to
farm the revenues. Lingah (as well as Bunder Abbace) is
under the Amcen-es-Sultan.. The Arab population of Lingah
are in favour of Shaikh Kadthceb, preferring an Arab to a Persian Governor, hut the Shaikh’s
tenure of office is precarious.
The Government of Bunder Abbaes is administered locally by persons of no rank or stand
ing. These persons are selected by the Malek-et-Tujar of
Bonder Abbsta.
Bushiro under the orders of the Ameen-es-Sultan. The
system is eminently unsatisfactory as regards British commercial interests, as responsibility is
shifted at convenience from one official to another.
The Shaikh of Khhm, by name Ibrahim, was arrested by the Malek-et-Tojar of Bushire
and sent in chains to Teheran subsequently. His cousin Shaikh Hasan was appointed Shaikh
of Ki&hm. Shaikh Ibrahim was accused of allowing the Sbias of Kishm to he assaulted by
Sunnis during the Boharram, aud had paid a Sue of 2,000 kerans on that account. As a
matter of fact, he appears to have taken measures to protect the Sliias on the occasion.
Colonel Ben. Williams, Diroc'-or of Remounts for India, assisted by Veterinary Surgeon
Rayment, was engaged in purchasing horses for Government in South Persia during the
summer and autumn, and succeeded in collecting several hundred serviceable animals. Ibis
was the first experiment in the way of purchasing direct in Persia.
This province has been undisturbed during the past year. Shaikh Miza’al Khan retained
the government of Mohammerah and its districts undisturbed.
Lk-ctcncnt-Colonel and Madame Dieulafoy made very successful excavations at Susa, and
carried eff to France a large and. valuable collection of antiquities.
Is May 1886 a raid was made from Kalat territory on the small village of Firozabad near
Sir box on the Persian side of the frontier. One Yar Muhammad Rind, a cousin of Mir
Mowladad, Chief of Sirbaz, and himself a Persian subject, had retired from the Persian ride
to Mand, where he collected about 150 men, whom he led against Firczabad, and in the fight
which took place a few men fell on both rides. Yar Muhammad subsequently fled to Karachi,
where he was arrested, and Colonel Reynolds was directed by the Government of India
to investigate the case. At Gwadar, Colonel Reynolds was met by General Zeyn-el-Abidin,
Persian Governor of Baluchistan, Mir Mowladad, and others and the matter was gone into.
The Persian Government pressed for the surrender of Yar Muhammad to their officers, hut
this demand was not complied with-
The Baho district under Muhammad Ali is reported in a lamentable state owing to
excessive taxation, the result of Persian pressure. The sea coast village of Gwetter has been
deserted by the inhabitant* who have mostly settled at Jewni in Kalat territory. Many of
the Baho people have emigrated to Karachi—-wlilndiutm ftxciunt.
A native of India was murdered in Baho, and the suspected man was arrested by
Persian Governor and brought to Gwadur, where Mr. Ffinch investigated the charge and
evidence. There seemed no reason to doubt the man’s guilt, and General Zeyn-el-Abidin
promised to dispose of the case according to Share law, hut on return to Baho the was
released. Mr. Ffinch was of opinion that this was done because of the refusal to over
Yar Muhammad Bind to the Persians.
A fort* has been built at PSshkan, the western boundary of the Gwadur district^ by order
of His Highness the Sultan of Muscat.