Page 423 - PERSIAN 3 1883_1890
P. 423


             About 200 dhows were mot with and boarded, but only ono vessel vru found carrying,
         slaves. This dhow, which had twonty-ono slavos on board, was captured by Her Majesty'*
         Ship Woodlark on lGth Juno. Most of the dhowe examined wore fouud to be in ballast, and
         accounted for this by saying that they hod landod their cargoes further south at 8ocotra>
         Makallah, &c. This was probably tho truth, and it is more than probable that in many
         instances tho cargoes consisted chiefly of slaves.
             Thcro can be no doubt that a largo number of slaves were shipped from the coast of
         Africa during the year, and, by means not fully, ascertained, a considerable number reached
         the Batinah coast and other parts of Oman.
             Her Majesty's ships Woodlark and Kingfisher cruised from July to 28th October, when
          operations ceased.
             An extensive u khor" or creek was discovered by Her Majesty's ship Kingfisher near the
          village of Sowaih-Beni-bn-Ali.
             Lieutenant-Colonel S. B. Miles held charge of the Residency during the first half of the
          official year, and wa6 relieved by Colonel E. C. Roes on 30th October.
             Lieutenant-Colonel E. Mockler acted as First Assistant Resident from 1st November to
          16th January, when Mr. P. J. C. Robertson relieved him.
             Her Majesty's ships served on the station as follows :—
               Her Majesty's ship Reindeer joined the station 30tb August 1885 and left 2nd Jane
                    ’ SS6.
               Her Majesty's ship Kingfisher joined 26th April 1886, proceeded to Bombay 7th July,
                    and returned to Persian Gulf station 10th August.
               Her Majesty’s ship Sphinx joined the station 8th May, proceeded to give leave 1st
                    August, and returned 6th September. Proceeded to Bombay to recommission on
                    5th March 1887, and has since returned to the station.
               Her Majesty’s ship Woodlark joined 2nd June and left 11th December.
               Her Majesty's ship Osprey joined 25th January.
               Captain Rainier, Her Majesty's ship Kingfisher, was senior naval officer until he left in
                    April on promotion, and the duties of senior officer devolved on Captain Gissing
                    of Her Majesty's bhip Osprey.
               Rear Admiral Sir F. Richards, K.C.B., visited Muscat and the Persian Gulf in April,
                    and was received with due courtesy and attention by the Muscat and Persian
             The osoai observations have been recorded, and the results are shown in the annexed
             The rainfall of 1886-87 has been very scant, but the harvest will probably be equal to
         that of the previous year, which was at the last much damaged by <c rust."
             The “Barih" shemal blew from May to 10th July, after which extreme heat was expe­
         rienced for about one month.
             The winter was very fine and few heavy gales blew, but the autumn and early winter
         season was  sickly in Bos hire, and rate of mortality unusually high.
             In accordance with orders received from the Government of India, Her Majesty's Jubilee
         was celebrated in the Persian Gulf and at Muscat on 16th February by illuminations and
         ceremonial observances. The enthusiasm displayed by all classes on the occasion was gratify­
         ing, and in many cases. Arab and Persian subjects joined in testifying their hearty good-wilL •

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