Page 475 - PERSIAN 3 1883_1890
P. 475


            11. In the ;nonth of September, tbe Residency Agent at Lingah reported that Haji Ahmed
        Khan Sirtip had sent a sm all party under Shaikh Hasan, the Chief of Kishm, to the island of
        Sirri with orders to erect a flagstaff and hoist the Persian flag thereon, and Her Majesty's 8hip
        jlonger reported that the Persian flag waa flying on the island in question.
            lfc. The Islands of Tamb, Sirri and Bu-Musa, situated midway between the Persian and
        'Oman Coast, have been for generations hereditary possessions of the Jowasim Arabs, those of
        the tribe who settled on the Persian Coast, having always been admitted to share in the rights
        attaching to these tribal possessions. The island of Sirri has been hitherto superintended by the
        principal Jowasimi Shaikh of Lingah, who has been usually Deputy Governor of that port and
        district under the Persian Government.
            13. It was always understood that the Jowasimi Shaikhs of Lingah administered the island
        of Sirri in virtue of their position as Shaikhs of the Jowasimi tribe, not in consequence of their
        office of Deputy Governor of the Persian district. The hoisting of the Persian flag at Sirri,
        therefore, constituted a complete alteration of the status as regards that island, and the Arab
        Chief of Shargah lodged a protest and remonstrance against what he considered annexation by
        Persia of an Arab possession. The whole question was referred to Her Majesty's Legation at
        Teheran and has continued to be tbe subject of diplomatic correspondence.

                                   8.—EL-BAH RAIN.
           14.  The Islands of Bahrain did not wholly escape from the disquieting inflnence at work
        in the Persian Gulf during the year under review.
           15.  Owing to the attitude assumed by the Chief of El-Bidaa, Shaikh Jasim bin Muham­
        mad bin Tbani, and the virtual encouragement given by him to his turbulent dependents of
        El-Katr, cases of piracy commenced to occnr off that coast in the month of July, chiefly on
        vessels belonging to Bahrain. Simultaneously the Beni Hajir robbers, who have been so long
        tbe pest of the seas and cezs\ adjacent to Bahrain, recommenced their depredations on Bahrain
        vessels in the waters about El-Katcef, within the jurisdiction of the Turkish authorities. For
        years bands of Beni Hajir robbers, harbouring chiefly in the districts under Turkish territory,
        have preyed on the native craft plying between Bahrain and El-Kateef, occasionally extending
        their operations further to the eastward, always hitherto with entire impunity. -
           " Armati mare exeroent, 6emperque recentes juvant praxke, et vivere rapto  » a  armed they
        harass the sea, ever delighting in fresh robberies, and living on the spoil,"
           16.  During tbe past summer the policy at first adopted by Shaikh Jasim encouraged
        bands of these marauders to sally oat to sea from the K&tr Coast, as well as from the recog­
        nised Turkish territory, and the matter became serious. About half a dozen piracies  were
        reported off the Katr Coast and as many more in Hie Turkish waters. The latter cases  were
        reported to the Turkish authorities through the British representative in Turkish Arabia.
           17.  As regards the piracies occurring off El-Katr, it appeared necessatgr to adopt   some
        more direct measures in order to check the progress of those disorders. The Chief of Bahrain,
        Shaikh Esau bin Ali, in August addressed me a letter complaining of the injuries and losses
        suffered by his subjects from these piracies, and begging for protection and enforcement of
       •security by sea, failing which he asked to be allowed a free hand to avenge lnmnolf 0Q
           18. In the month of July, during my visit to Muscat and the Batineh Coast, I had deputed
        Khan Bahadur A. R. Hakim to JSl-Bidaa, in Her Majesty* Ship Sj>Mnx, to make oertain
        inquiries into the conduct of Shaikh Jasim, and on my return, having received Mr. Hakim's
        report, I decided to despatch the First Assistant Resident in the Residency steamer Lawrenbi
        to El-Bidaa, with orders to remove thence all British Indian subjects, and to warn
        J asim 1 would bold him responsible for disorders and outrages oocurring within, or bj persons
        issuing from his district.
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