Page 480 - PERSIAN 3 1883_1890
P. 480
04. A Russian cx-officer of Cossacks, named Notovitoh, visited Buahiro in tho winter, and
caused some exoitement in Persian circles by his free utterances of alleged designs of Russia I
against England, and the projects entertained by that power in concord with Persia for acting
against ue in the direction of the Persian Gulf, on tho expected early oocurrcnco of war
between the two greater Stales.
05. In tho previous year’s report it was stated that, although tho population of Lingah
I,jnftli md Bundor Abhu »nd were in favour of their Arab Deputy Governor, Shaikh
Kadtheeb, his tenuro of office was precarious. So it proved.
The Persian authorities, in pursuance of a recently adopted policy, had resolved on the abolition
of the system of Arab Governors at Lingah, and the abasement of the ruling Arab family.
06. Haji Ahmed Khan was entrusted with the task of capturing Shaikh Kadtheeb, and
on the 11th September succeeded in Burprising the Shaikh and effecting his object with very
slight loss of life.
07. Shaikh Kadthceb was carried to Bushire, and the property of the family virtually con
fiscated. A Persian official has been since placed in charge of the ordinaiy administrative
duties at Lingah. The present Agent is Mirza Hedayet Khan, a man of moderation and
08. Barracks were erected at Lingah and a body of 200 Persian Regular Infantry placed
tbere^ much to the distaste of the inhabitants, 6ome of whom prepared to leave the place and
settle in other parts of the Gulf. A considerable number of families actually migrated to the
adjacent coast6 and islands.
69. In July a person named Yakub-bin-Bashir> who had been placed at Lingah in the
capacity of “ Mufottssh," that is collector of intelligence or informer, by the Persian authori
ties, preferred false accusations of a serious nature against the British Government Agent at
Lingsh. and also forwarded misrepresentations of my own action in the matter of claims against
divers at Sirri Island. The Persian Government adopted the reports of this Agent, and
made formal complaint to the British Legation. The absolute falsehood of the charges
against onr Ageut were proved beyond question, and eventually the matter was allowed to
70. The annexation to Persia of the Island of Sirri, which was effected from Lingah, has
been noticed under Arab Coast affairs.
71. The Persian authorities proposed placing garrisons of Persian soldiery on Kishm,
Larch, and oi-ber islands, as well as at Lingah and Bander Abbas, and so much alarm was
a used U> the mhah&xatoc that many Arab families fled from Henjam. The intention of the
Persian Govtrzxaeal was, however, abandoned as regards the islands.
7L The alaiiiBtTitmn of Bunder Abbas was during the past year very unsatisfactory
and discouraging tc trade, the introduction of Persian soldiery
to the place was unpopular and unnecessary, but the Sirbaz
have recently been withdrawn. The Foreign Office Agent at Bunder Abbas, Mirza Ismail
Khan, waa relieved by Mirza Ali Khan.
13. Shaikh Utzal Khan, Governor of Mohammerah, being engaged in a fend with the
“Nascar* Arabs, obtained the assistance of the Persian Government vessel Pertepolu.
74. Proposals have continued to be made to various quarters in view to opening the river
Karon to navigation, bat no progress has been made.
75. A new Persian Governor has been appointed to Arahistan. This personage was
formerly entitled the Sa'ad-ol-MoIk, and has .now been promoted to the title of Nizam-es-
76. The friends of the present Arab Shaikh and Governors have misgivings for the
future. Like the Shaikh .of Liagah their position may be precarious.