Page 478 - PERSIAN 3 1883_1890
P. 478
41. Tho Mutoscrrif, or Govomor, of El-Hasa during tho past year mia Muhammad
Salih Pasha. This Governor hao boon dismissed and hi*
succjowar is named Kufa'at Bog.
42. An atlempt has been made to establish a commercial port for El-Ha/m at a pine©
oallod Darin, not far from El-Katoef, and to indnoo atcamora to land goods thoro, thus avoiding
transhipment at Bahrain. Owing to the intricacy of the navigation it is doubtful if this
project will prove Buocossful.
43. Up to the month of February the province of Fare generally continued to be undor
the supremo control of His Royal'Highness the Zil-es-Sultan. At Shiraz that Prince's son,
tho Jolal-ud-Dowlah, was nominally Governor of that town and the dependent districta, the
administrator being the Sahib Diwan. Behbahan, Boshiro and districts, Lar, Darab, Jehrum
&c., remained subordinate to the Central Fare administration, but Lingah and Bander Abbas,
with their dependencies, were separated from the rest of the province of Fare, and entrusted
to the supreme control of His Excellency the Amin-es-Sultan, Minister for Home Affairs,
Finance, &c., and virtually the Prime Minister of Persia.
44. In February it was announced that His Royal Highness the Zil-es-Sultan had been
deprived of all bis governments excepting Ispahan, and orders were received at Shiraz direct
ing His Excellency the Sahib Diwan to make over his duties and repair to Tehran with His
Royal Highness the Jelal-ud-Dovrlah.
45. It appeared that the entire province of Fare had been transferred to the Amin-es-
Sultan, who had nominated His Royal Highness the Ihtisbam-ud-Dowlah Governor of Shiraz
and the central districts of Fare, whilst the seaports and islands were entrusted to Muham
mad Hasan Khan, now promoted to the title of Sa'ad-ul-MoTk.
46. The outlying districts of Bushire (Dashti, Dasbtistan, &c.) have been given to
Prince Nowzer Mirza.
47. The districts about Shiraz have been in an unusually unsettled state daring the year
owing to the mismanagement of the Sahib Diwan and of
his son, the Motcmic-uI-Mulk.
48. There was a bitter feud between the Sahib Diwan and his nephew, the Kowwam-ul-
Mulk, and in May the Kowwam-xd-Mulk was summoned to Ispahan by tbe Zil-es-Sultan
and immediately imprisoned. Subseqoentiy he was subjected to detainment merely, and released
on payment of a sum of 60,000 toraxsa.
49. Dissensions also broke out between the Sahib Divao and his brother Haji Nasir-nU
Mulk, who for a short, time held the Governorship of Jkuhue iad ha district*.
50. On the fall of tbe Governmest «f Fmb last spring, both Kirovsm-nl-Ma Qc and Nasxr-
ul-Mulk were taken into favour. Tbe former proceeded to the capital and waff made much of
and decorated, and eventually returned to Shiraz with the newly appointed Governor His
Royal Highness lhtisham-ud-Dowlah. The Hap Nasir-ul-Mulk became Pesbkar, or Minister,
for the province, and it k probable (hat disorders and disturbanoea will now be everywhere
51. In August an Eeliat, Chief of the " Koti ” Arab EdEtfas, named Ream Khan, who had
been imprisoned in Shiraz, was rescued in a very daring manner by hk relative* with two or
three hundred armed so ware. An officer and several of the prison grads were chat down and
Reza Khan palled over tbe wall by ropes, let down, and carried away dear of the town(
Various expeditions were sent to capture Reza Khan, but all were discomfited and returned un
successful. He has lately surrendered himself to the Ihtisbam-ud-Dowlah and been pardoned.
62. Two pitohed battles occurred in Jehroom and Darab districts between Arab and
Babarloo tribes, the latter being aided by a battalion of Sirbu and two gnus. These disturb
ances were originated by the Motemin-el-Mulk, son of tbe Sahib Diwan, and about 160
persons were killed on both aides.
. 63. The Eel-Begi of the Kashgar Darab Khan was in May arrested and taken to Ispahan
on a donkey, laden with chains, and subjected to extreme ignominy. After bring kepi in