Page 539 - PERSIAN 3 1883_1890
P. 539
No. 132.
Colonel E. C. ROSS, C.8.L,
Political Resident in the Persian GulJ, and
Per Majesty's Consul-General for Pars,
Sib H. M. DURAND, K.C.I.E., C.S.I., *
Secretary to the Government of India,
Foreign Department.
Bushibe, the 21st June 1889.
I have the honour to submit an Administration Report of this Resi
dency for 1SS8-89, arranged in the following order:—
Past I.—General resume of occurrences and proceedings.
Appendix A.—Note on the Ibn-Rashecd dynasty.
B. —Translation of Shah of Persia’s Proclamation of 18SS.
C. —Regulations for the navigation of the River Karan.
D. —Meteorological Tables.
Past II.—Resume of Muscat affair? bp Lieutenant Stratton.
Part III.—Trade Report of Persian Gulf for 1838.
Appendix A.—Tabular Statistics.
Part IV.—Trade Report of Unseat.
Appendix A,—Tabular Statsstica.
2. I request that I may he supplied with the usual number of printed copies
of the report, and with a few copies of the trade uotes and tables separately.
I have lhe honour to be,
Your mest obedient servant,
E. C. ROSS, Colonel,
Political Resident, Persian Gulf.