Page 544 - PERSIAN 3 1883_1890
P. 544


                        23.  Shaikh Rashid in August visited Seyyid Fcysal bin Turki at Muscat
                    and received a present of a mare, arms, clothing, and Rupees 1,000 cash.
                        24.  Towards the end of 1888, Shaikh Rashid concluded an alliance with
                    Abu-Dhabbi, after which he received a letter from Shaikh Jasim, in which the
                    latter threatened to invade the Debayo territory, and so forth.
                        25.  The town of Abu-Dhabbi itself is smaller and less flourishing than the
                                            neighbouring ports of Dcbaye and Shargah, but the
                                            Chief Shaikh Za’ced-bin-Khalcefah, the head of the
                    numerous Beniyas tribe, is the most important personago in Western 'Oman.
                    Tho jurisdiction of this Chief extends along the southern shore of the Persian
                    Gulf, as far as 'Odeyd, his western limits thus marching with those of El-Katr
                    and El-Hasa, and numerous Bedouin clans ranging the plains between that
                    frontier and El-Bereymi are dependents, or allies, of th$ Chief of Abu-Dhabbi.
                    ’Some twelve years back quarrels commenced between the Shaikh of Ei-Katr,
                    (Jasim-bin-Mohammed) and the Abu-Dhabbi Chief, and for the feud which
                    sprang up, and subsequent bloodshed and plundering, I think Shaikh, Jasim
                    was chiefly to blame. During this period of years the contending parties and
                    their dependent clans and allies have engaged in frequent raids and counter-
                    raids, after the fashion of Arabs.
                         26.  In March 1888 the Manaseer tribe, dependents of Shaikh Za'eed,
                     suCered severely from a foray made by Jasim, and the Abu-Dhabbi Chief
                    prepared to make reprisals on El-Katr.
                         27.  In May Shaikh Za'eed sent a body of 250 Bedouins mounted on
                    camels, under the leadership of Shaikh Mohammed-bin-Saif, and accompanied
                    by the Chief's son, Khalcefah-bin-Za'eed, to raid on Ei-Katr. This force sur­
                    prised the followers of Shaikh Jasim in the vicinity of El-Bidaa, and slew up­
                     wards of thirty men, amongst whom was Ali-bin-Jasim, the favourite and most
                     promising son of the Katr Shaikh. This occurrence has greatly embittered the
                     feud, and frustrated any hopes of reconciliation between the rival Chiefs.
                         28.  In the month of August Tahnoon, son of Shaikh Za’eed, proceeded to
                     Muscat on a visit to Seyyid Eeysal, and accompanied His Highness during his
                     expedition against Rostak.
                         29.  Border warfare has continued in the stretch of low country between
                     Katr and Abu-Dhabbi without any signal success to either side. The reports
                     of the intended advance of a Wahhabi force from Jebel Shamraar and Nejd
                     towards 'pman naturally caused apprehensions, but the Beniyas Chief kept a
                     bold front' and was prepared to offer resistance. The alarm has passed away
                     for the present, hut the warfare between Katr and Abu-Dhabbi may possibly
                     assume a more serious aspect in the near future.
                         30.  The Chief .of Abu-Dhabbi had cause to he displeased with the Na'eem
                     Chief (Mohammed-bin-Ali of El-Bereymi), who failed to comply with a summons
                     to arms and intimated his intention to submit to the expected invading force,
                     and it was thought that Shaikh Za'eed would attack the Na'eem Shaikh.
                         31.  In January, Shaikh Jasim personally led a force towards 'Oman and
                                             surprised and massacred a number of defenceless
                             Vi&4 Katr.
                                             persons, including women and children. This has
                     exasperated the Bcniyas and their allies, who bum to be avenged on tbeir
                     Katr enemies.
                         82. The most noteworthy event of the year in Bahrain was the death of
                     Shaikh Ahmed-bin-Ali, younger and only brother of the Chief of Bahrain,
                     from small-pox in the month of October. Shaikh Ahmed, in accordance with
                     an old custom in Bahrain, enjoyed one-half of the revenues of the islands, and
                     exercised a considerable amount of -power and authority. He was a man of
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