Page 543 - PERSIAN 3 1883_1890
P. 543
15. Much animosity had existed for n considerable time between the Chief
of * A jman, Shaikh Rashid-bin-Hamcyd, Al-bu-
’ Ajman.
Ali, and the Shargah Chief ; but in the early part of
1889 the Chief of Debayo offcctcd a reconciliation between * Ajman and Him-
reeyah on the ono side, and Shargah on the other. This mediation waa due to
apprehension of an attack being made on the Hinawee Chiefs by 8haikh Jasim
of El-13idaa, and the desire of the Chief of Debaye to be in a position to draw
succour from ' Ajman and Himreeyah in case of danger.
16. Shargah, in the centre of the group of “ Truciai States/' is the head
quarters of the Residency Agdnt on the Pirate
Coast. The Chief is still Shaikh Sakar-bin-Khalid,
17. Hostilities were on the point of breaking out between Shargah and
’Ajmsn, and the Chief of Shargah engaged mercenaries on the Persian Coast
and called on his friendly Bedouins to furnish a contingent to aid him. The
war was, however, averted, and peace effected by the mediation of the Chief
of Debaye.
18. Much excitement and discussion was caused on the Pirate Coast by the
threatened invasion of * Oman from Nejd and El-Katr. The Chief and inhabit
ants generally of Shargah are Wahhabees in religion, and Shaikh Jasim of El-
Katr addressed communications to the Chief as if to a friendly neighbour on
whose assistance he could count.
19. The Chief of Shargah in July informed the Residency Agent that he
had received letters from Shaikh Jasim bin Mohammed Thani, announcing
the approaching invasion of ’Oman by “ Ibn Rasheed "and “the Imam'*
Abdulla h-bin-Fevsal, and expressing hopes of receiving assistance from the
Shargah and the other Ghafiree Shaikhs. J asim again addressed the Chief
of Shargah in November, requesting permission to land stores at Shargah
for the use of the Nejdean Forces. The Chief was advised to excuse himself.
20. In the early part of the year much soreness existed, between the Chiefs
of Shargah and Debs ye, but the latter eventually took alarm at tbs attitude of
the Katr Shaikh and thought best to make it up with Shargah, and prevailed
on the ex-Chief of Shargah, Salim-bln. SaSfcan, to engage to refrain from in.
trigues against his nephew, the Chief of Shargah, in return for the restoration of
the allowance he had formerly received from his nephew. Salim-bin-SnUaa
had, be it explained, proceeded to Debaye for the purpose of requesting the
Chief of Debaye’s aid in recovering possession of Shargah.
21. Debaye, which is now the most populous port on the Pirate Coast,
is ruled by Shaikh-Rasliid-bin-Maktoom, of the
Al-Bu-Falasa, a Hinawi clan. Although tribally
connected with the Beniyas, in the early part of the year under review the
Chief of Debaye appeared extremely hostile to AbuDhabbi, and it waa
thought he was meditating a league with Shaikh Jasim against Shaikh-Za*eed.
It is probable that Shaikh Rashid was merely temporizing as regards Jasnsfr
overtures, as latterly he has thrown his lot in with the Beniyas. In July
Jasim sent the Debaye Chief a present of a mare, and wrote to assure him
that neither he, (Jasim) nor the Turkish Government would molest Debaye,
and that the divers of that place might visit El-Katr in safety.
22. ^ Subsequently Shaikh Jasim wrote expressing his wish to visit Debaye.
The Chief, having consulted me on the subject, was Informed that I considered
he would act unwisely to receive Jasim or to become involved in ,the affairs
and schemes of that Shaikh, and he was recommended to make suitable