Page 632 - PERSIAN 3 1883_1890
P. 632
TABLE No. 11.
Return of Principal Arfielet of Export from Ling ah, during the year 1669.
1880. 1888.
Quality. Vdoa. Quantity. ▼ala*.
Animals, Living • . 159 9,000 193 7.000
Arms and Ammunition • 14,500 12,600
Canvas *. . • • 800 Cwts. 43.000 659 Cwts. 41.200
Cattle • 4,800 Head 14,500 4,700 Head 16,600
Coffee • • 4,250 Cwts. 1,65,600 3,496 Cwts. 1.74.000
Coir and Coir rope . 1,850 „ 22,200 1,591 16,600
Cotton goods 3.100 Pks. 14,60,000 2,256 Pks. 15,00,000
Thread and Twist 725 Cwts. 29.000 4S2 Cwts. 24.500
Dates . . . 20,400 „ 40,800 26,036 „ 42^00
Drn^js and Medicine • • 1,775 „ 14,200 440 Pks. 47.500
Dyeing and Colouring Mate
rials • . • 4.100 „ 20.500 1,164 Bags 14.500
Fruit and Vegetable • . 4,700 „ 56,400 51.500
Fuel . • • • 2,025 Tons 16/.’00 6,027 Tons 14,700
Grain and Pnlse . • 84,000 Cwts. 5,35,540 5.92.000
Hardware and Cutlery 50 Chests 12,50.) 40 Chests 10.000
Hides and Skins . • 9,3 00 4,800 Pieces 5.600
Lemons, dry . 978 Cwts. 8,803 433 Cwts. 6.500
Mats • . • . 20,750 Pieces 8.500 32,800 B’dles 0 6,400
Metals . 2,563 Cwts. 52.500 9,643 Cwts. 16.500
„ Manufactures of 550 n 10.500 217 ff 9.500
Oil........................................... 5,625 „ 45.000 42.500
Pearls • . • • 44,35,000 43.34.000
Porcelain and Chinaware • 253 Chests 10,320 250 Chests 9,900
Provisions and Oilman-stores. 50.500 57.200
Salt • • • 1,900 Tons 9.500 1,500 Tons 8,000
Seeds • • 660 Cwts. 11,220 1,639 Cwts, 13.500
Shells, Motber-o'-pearl 10,000 „ 1.65.000 6,911 „ 95,090
Silk, manufactures of 19.000 3,150 Pieces 21, COO
Spices . , 2,067 » 62.000 3,22$ Cvrts. 63.500
Sugar, Candy . 409 w 9,800 10,2*0
Loaf 1,386 •„ 24,950 4«2 9.600
„ Soft M** >, 52, JOG 4,1« „ S7,4W
Tea . 286 Chests 10,000 178 Cheats 8.600
Tobacco 13,650 Cwts. 1,63,800 27,300 Bags 1.97.000
Timber and Wood 13.500 15,300
Woollen goods 178 Bales 1.78.000 174 Bales 2.27.000
Other articles . 1,17,200 1,63,930
Total 79,40,790 79,40,330
8pecie 21,40,000 £3,05.000
GRAND TOTAL 1,00,80,790 1/02,45,330