Page 635 - PERSIAN 3 1883_1890
P. 635
TABLE No. 15.
Return of Principal Articles of Export from Bunder Abbot during the year 1869.
Quality. Vila*. Quality. Jtimk.
B fi
Cotton, Raw . 26,776 Cwta. 431,960 18,080 Cwta. *38.750
Cotton Goods . , 202 rke. 81.050
Date* . . . 1.81161 Cwts. 8,03.360 67.860 Cwta. 2,6*000
Dm (ft and Medidnca , 9.369 2,43,330 14,010 „ •36,660
Djoing and Colouring Materials 27,987 if 61,180 71,600 , 1.11,7.0
Fruit and Vegctablo 80,704 99 6.45.630 16.450 „ 2/H.760
Grain and Pnlao • • • 11,310 46,670 3.376 „ 18,000
Gum............................................ 362 „ 8,620 6,010 „ 27300
Mats............................................. 2.600 B’dles. 16.9G0 1,600 B*dlca. 18,000
Opium . • • . 1.600 Chests 18,90.000 1,887 C bests 1837300
Provisions and Oilman-otoreo 2.41,700 11,Oft)’Tons 36,940
8alt 16,000 Tons 40.000 66.000
8ceda . • • 6,778 Cwta. 67.780 4,6'JO Cwta. 44.000
Silk, Raw 92 69.000 10 „ 8,450
M manufacture* of 13 B’dles. 10,400 1G9 R’dlr*. 76300
6ulpbur . . . 1,923 Cwta. 26,680 3,214 Cwta. 40.000
Timber and Wood . 3,162*Cwta. 23.000 1L250
Tobacco . . • 81,620 2,1 SS Cwta. 39370
Wool . 20,065 m 4,00.600 6,490 „ 1,61300
Woollen Goods 474 B'dles. 93.500 916 B’dle*. 1,46.160
Other articles . 17,740 87300
Total 4736.560 4034340
Specie 2,95380 3.7S.OUO
GRAND TOTAL 6031.640 4330340
TABLE No. 16.
Return of Principal Articles of Imports into Bunder Abbas during the year 1889.
18S9. IMS.
Quantity. Vila*. Quntity. ▼slat.
Annuals (Donkeys) ... 801 12,200 400 12,000
Coffee............................................. 204 Cwta. 13.060 72S Cwta. 33.900
Cotton Goods .... 9,131 Bales 22.82,760 6.5S0 Bales 13,15300
Thread and Twist . . . 2,783 B’dlcs. 3,47,850 3300 B’dlcs. 6,70,000
Drugs and Medicines . . 688 Pka. 16,290 2.470 Pka. 44.490
Gold embroidered Cloth . . 100 B’dles. 2,000 10 B’dles. 7300
Gold Lace and Gold Thread . 2.000 18 12.700
Grain and Pulse ... 4,763 Cwta. 17,050 8,440 Cwta. 42380
Hardware and Cutlery . . 496 Cheats 49,5<>0 730 Cheats 91.000
Indigo............................................. 3,492 Cwta. 8.35,230 1.285 Cwta. 1,28300
Jute, and manufacture* of Jute. 1,218 B’dlea. 86,640 400 B’dlea. 21.700
Liquors, Wines and Spirits . 164 Cheats 1,640 815 Cheats 3380
Mat bags .... 1,000 B’dlea. 10,000 800 U’dlea. 12.000
Metals, and manufactures of Metals 10,051 Cwta. 2,41.220 6350 Cwta. 79300
Ofl............................................. 10,000 7330
Porcelain and Chisaware . . 1,579’Casci 1,100 Cases
Pro visions and OOouuuatores . 686 Cwta. 47.370 1,686 Pka. 83,000
8ilk, manufactures of 6 Bales 10,000 900 Pieces 23370
4,696 Cwts. 66,360 6300 Cwta. 81300
Btationsty 89 Cases 488 Cases
Sugar Candy 684 Cwta. 11,680 480 Cwta. 24300
„ Loaf 8,829 N 65,090 4.830 „ 10300
. Soft 2R.443 „ 8,69.760 23,870 , 2-97320
Tea 12.098 ,, 10,16330 933300
Timber and Wood 18,000 1 U» - 3340
Woollen Goods AOOOB’dlea. 80,000 lt6liTB*dlea. 143-0
* »
Other articles » . 78.760
18.060 1,02300
Totax, 60,86,640 41,04360
Specie 230,500 ’ 230,000
GRAND TOTAL 6337,140 | 43JD4360