Page 638 - PERSIAN 3 1883_1890
P. 638
TABLE No, ftl.
Return of Principal Arlicla of Import into Bahrain during the year 1889.
1889. 1888.
Quant] tj. Vain*. Quantity. Valoe.
B a
41 Horeci 29 Horses
{ 94 Donkeys } {
60 Camels
Animals 53 Chinels 32,030 88 Donkeys } 30,130
Arms and Ammunition . 24.800 24,920
Cattle • . 28,000 Head 58.500 28,000* Head 59.500
Charcoal • • • 9,380 Cwts. 14.200 10,200 Cwts. 13.500
Coffee 3,294 „ 1,95,SOO 2,732 „ 1.89.000
Coir and Coir rope U26 „ 17.200 2,210 „ 20,000
Confectionary and Pre 12,300 11,600
Cotton, raw 4,188 cwts. 1,08,750 4,800 cwts. 1,17,600
Cotton goods 1,240 B'dU 3,03,800 1,333 B’dles. 3.20.000
Thread and Twist. 4-45 Cwts. 22,250 485 Cwts. 23,810
Dates 70,936 „ 1,31,270 70,998 „ 1,40,500
Date Juice . 3,460 „ 12,950 3,428 „ 12,000
Dru^s and Medicines . 24.200 17,900
Dyeing and Coloriug Ma 10,100 10,950
Fruit end Vegetable 32.550 23,250
Gold Thread 335 BMles. 11.550 320 B'dles. 11,040
Grain and Pulse . 187,830 Cwts. 10,20,660 221,730 Cwts. 10,45.120
Hides and Skins • 15,400 Pieces 12,320 2,500 „ 13,700
Indigo • • 154 Circs. 14.800 152 n 13,600
Lemons, dry 1,310 „ 15.500 1,250 „ 14,850
Metals • 2,427 „ 4l,6u0 2,653 „ 42,350
Oil . 47.800 50,200
Pearls • 11,99,000 8,51,000
Perfumery • 13.500 12,300
Provisions and Oilman- 1,02,000 1,01,300
Silk, raw 2,077 Id. 13.500 1,980 m. 13,000
Silk, manufactures of . 4,500 Pieces. 41.500 4,000 Pieces 44,650
Spices 2,846 Cwts. 1,35,370 1,882 Cwts. 1,28,650
Sugar Candy 740 r U,5>0 690 w 11,760
Sugar 36,020 2,593 „ 35.580
Tallow ... 9 2 S' tj 20.500 1,028 , 21,150
Tobacco ... 8,500 „ 1,20,900 8,447 „ 1,20,3«0
Timber and Wood . 36,400 • M 38,100
Wool . . 329 cwts. 16,550 273 cwts. 16,400
Woollen goods . 73 B’dles. 22,250 80 B'dles. 23,900
Other articles . . 1,04,030 95.580
Total 40,48,539 • •• 37,19,160
Specie • •• 11,50,000 11,79,000
GBAND TOTAL . 51,98,630 48,98,180