Page 636 - PERSIAN 3 1883_1890
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TABLE No. 17.
Table ehotoing the Total Value of all Article! exported from, and imported to, Bunder Abbae
to and from Foreign Counlriet during the yean 1868 and 1889.
Exports. Import*.
1880. 1888. 1839. 1888,
R fi R R
Great Britain . . • • 2,000 1,12,800 1,09,760 7,09,800
Other European Countries • • • 35,250 26,840 83,780
British India and Colonies 27,07*,400 18,24-,800 48,80,150 32,46,450
Turkey ...... 1,07,100 2,71,190 83,950 69,200
Egypt •••••• 51,400 1,89,500
Bahrain and other Maritime States in the 73,430 20,500 57*000 7^000
Muscat and Dependencies . . • 83,000 41,200 53,330 40,550
Zanzibar 1,500 40,100 3,000 2,680
China ...... 18,90,000 18,99,000
Total 49,15,890 43,84,040 51,70,030 42,54,960
TABLE No. 18.
Return of Skipping at the Port of Bunder Abbae in the year 1889.
SlILIXO. Steam. Total.
Natioxaltt. No. of No. of No. of
Vessels. Tons. Vessels. Tons. Vessels. Tons.
British . 36 3,600 77 100,896 113 104,496
Arab 200 3,000 200 3,000
French . 1 1.500 1 1,500
Turkish « 10 200 1 2.500 11 2,700
Muscat • 120 2,400 120 2,400
Others . 15 300 15 300
Total 381 9,500 79 104,896 460 114,398
Total for the tear preceding . 728 8,683 90 • 76,916 818 85,599
8Aiiixa. SniM. Total.
Ns. of No. of No. of
Vessels. Toni. Vessels. Tons. Vessels. T<
British . 28 2,800 77 100,896 105 103,696
Arab 200 3,000 • •• 200 3,000
French • 1 1,500 1 1,600
Turkish • 10 200 1 2,600 11 2,700
Muscat • 120 2,400 120 2,400
Others . 9 135 • •• • •• 9 . 135
Total 367 8,535 79 104,896 446 113,431
Total for the tear preceding . 728 8,683 88 72,077 816 80,760