Page 641 - PERSIAN 3 1883_1890
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TABLE No. 26.
Table showing the Total Value of all Articles exported from, and imported to, the Porte on the
Arab Coast of the Persian Gulf, to and from Foreign Countries during the gears 1683
and 18S9.
Extort*. Inotn.
1889. 1888. 1889. 1888.
B B B fi
British India and Colonies 13,600 500 5,58,740 3,68,060
Persian Porte and Mekran 43,21,450 52,34,2G0 25,82,070 27,39,200
Turkey 95,650 1,24,800 2,14,000 2,27,270
Bahrain . . • 26,300 22,560 48,150 41,350
Muscat and Dependencies 1,19,750 97,800 3,95,150 8,57,740
Zanzibar 2,000 3,000 12,800 11,180
Total 45,78,750 54,82,920 38,10,910 37,44,800
TABLE No. 27.
Return of Shipping at the Ports of the Arab Coast of the Persian Gulf in the year 1889.
Sailixo. Smx Total.
No. of No. of No. of
Vessel*. Tons. Vessels. Tor a . Vessels. Tons.
British . 170 6,800 170 6,800
Persian . 250 4,250 250 4,250
Muscat . 250 3,750 250 3,750
Turkish • 8 160 8 160
Others . 25 250 25 250
Total 703 15,210 703 15,210
Total for, the teak preceding . 492 11,450 492 11,450
SiTLIhO. Sts ax. Total.
Ratios auty.
No. of No. of No. of
Vessels. Tods. Y«*eh. Vessels. Tods.
British . 170 6,800 170 6,800
Persian . 250 4,250 250 4,250
Muscat . 260 8,750 250 3,750
Turkish . 8 160 8 100
Others • 25 250 25 250
Total 703 15,210 703 15,210
Total for rat tear preceding . 492 11,450 492 11,450