Page 249 - Journal of Asian History_Neat
P. 249
Ji .irti'il nf lIn American Oriental Sonet;/, !)0..i (t!)?())
tin- arms, all of which were Mii?t«ifA Pii^a i\ml that the army is still on the island.
Because such an act of agression on territory which has
two cannon, dOO muskets
lost with till' MirriMiih'r, submitted demands that the governor general and men
ami I(X) kite -f bliick wen' immediately responsible be dismissed and punished, wc have ordered
onlorcd from Diy.-irbokir ami Unwind.” Horse* that this be done; a new governor general is on the point-
jls well.*4 As far ;is the. defeat of departure.
wore carried nver
If *s concerned one factor is given particular In the meantime, in accordance with your prot^u-
by the PortllgUCSC relief force rom ormuz, whatever means available, so that those responsible, bo \
which cut the Ottoman supply line and means of governor general or district otficer, might be dis-
retreat ,s missed and given their just deserts (KaJ&larlrulan geli~}\
The first reaction of the Imperial Council found nub) and a new governor general be installed.
•n .h. »'th* »- jr. :?
vasion is embodied in three c ecrees, a ant c wor|c together with unity of plan and purpose (yek-dil
over to a single courier, Mehmed Cavil.?, on Octo- yek-cihel) in matters concerning my imperial realm* -
ber first, 1559, for delivery. One was addressed especially to ace that no harm or injury is allowed to boJ
to the governor' general of Basra,*4 another to perpetrated by the Jbujfclr of that area.4* M 1
the governor of Bahrein, Murad S&h, and the last
The firman to the governor general of Basra',
to the district officer (sancak be$i) of Mosul,
was in effect a reply to the report from thatt
Murid Bey, appointing him new governor gen
official which first had informed the Imperial'-;
eral of Latisi.*7 Of the three, that sent to the
Council of the Lahsi defeat. He was advised ofj
governor of Bahrein is the most illustrative of
the receipt of this report and of the action that?
relations sought by the Ottoman central govern
had been taken on it; that is, a summary of thai
ment with the other Muslim Gulf powers.
letter to Murid §&h was giveu, as was a notifies-^
To the governor (ruler? fr&kim) of Bahrein, Murid tion of the appointment of the district officer of‘ .
Mosul as new governor general of LatisS. In
Some time ago you sent men to our court offering sub
mission and faithful service ('orr-i 'ubudiyet ve ie conclusion, he was ordered to outfit and send ?
farf-i rikkriyet re ’iTm'j&j) and I granted you a btral ships to Bahrein to evacuate the army.41 3
(certificate of appointment) accepting Bahrein as part The firman to Murid, district officer of Mosul, j
and parcel of the state (memUkel vil&yet sancaif tariJciyU). says nothing of the immediate reason for the'j
I also ordered the governors general and administrators
of the area to avoid interference of any sort in Bahrein appointment, the Bahrein affair, yet there iflj
affairs because of your new status. perhaps some hint of imperial policy for the region-*! i i
Now I have learned from the Governor general of :
Basra that the governor general of Lafrsi, Mu$tafi “certain measures” (Murad $ah requested aid of the I
(Pa^aJ,w without informing me, presumptuously took it
Portuguese) or that the Imperial Council preferred not
upon himself (JuzxM) to attack Bahrein and you were to take specific notice of it in the correspondence with
obliged to take certain measures (6a’r Leddr\Lk)\ that Murad $ih. In view of the concluding call for cooper*^ .
furthermore** the kujfdr seized the transport fleet of
tion against the Portuguese, and the studied vagueaea^
of “certain measures” (ho'z ted&nlk), the latter vier*
„ M.3:1132, 1147» 21-23 Sft’bin 967/17-19 May 1560. seems more likely. In any case, several months later,
on the 7th of February, 1560, in a firman to Vizier Mefej
*4 M 3:113°. 21 §a'bin 967/17 May 1560; M 3:1123, med Pa?a, Murid is made specifically responsible fen
same date.
inviting Portuguese help (M 3:747). jfl
4 ^ 3.747, 1 CU 967/7 February 1560. *• M 3:364, same date. The title “Shah” is applied bifi
14 M 3:366, 28 ZH 966/10 October 1559. Murid only in this document and that cited in footnote
17 M 3:367, same date. 25. Elsewhere he is referred to as r«*U (e.g. M 3:747)3 -
" kKlvertently left out of $&fvet’s text. Contemporary Ottoman historians also refer to him ifl
" 11 "ould appear from the phrasing either that the re'Is. The full text of the firman may be found in 3aIvet*S
report rom Basra did not mention the connection be article on pages 1141—42.
tween the Portuguese naval
attack and Murid $ih's 41 M 3:366 , 23 ZH 966/10 October 1559. 9