Page 168 - Gulf Precis(II)_Neat
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146 Port V-Chap. XXXIII.
these acts of misunderstanding to tho Government appertaining nearest to
liia own that they might he aware of what had occurred, that some explana
! tion might bo offored for Ilis lloyal Highness to act upon, and for this reason
deputed Mirza Bunghir, Military Secretary, to proceed to Bombay at the
time that tho Hon’ble Mount Stuart Elphinstono was Governor of it and of
its dependencies, and lie came to an explanation with tho Hon’ble tho Governor
who showed ovory wish and inclination to preserve tho good understanding
aud for which purposo deputed Captain Bruce as tho Hon'blo Campain^’s
Resident to Bushiro as the Government Agent. After his arrival, His lloyal
Highness directed his attendance and on tho 8th of August 1822 or 20th
Zilkad, 1237 Hijrcc, at Shiraz, came to an amicable docision and under
standing with Mahomed Zaki Khan, Sirdar and Minister of Par3, tho following
engagements being agreed upon :— °
Ilf.—That tho Vakils of the two Statos enter into friondly discussions
and explanations tending to comcnt tho ties of amity and
good understanding between the Governors of the adjacent
2nd.—Tho Island of Bahrein which has always been subordinate to tho
Province of Pars and its possessors, the Beni Attahi Arabs
who have of late been unruly and disobedient and had applied
to the Commanding Officer of tho Britisli forces of a distinguish
ing flag. This flag, if it has beon granted to be withdrawn,
and no assistance to bo rondered to be Beni Attahi Arabs,*
3rd,—That such losses as the inhabitants of Linkay and Charrack may
have suffered by mistake in the destruction of their vessels,
to be restored in kind, if forthcoming, if not, made good in
money by tho Government Vakil.
4th.—With regard to Captain Bruce’s residing at Bushire, as the
Government of Persia had applied for his removal and another
officer to be appointed, supposing him to have committed acts
contrary to the good understanding between the States, which
he having cleared up to the satisfaction of his own Govern
ment while Mirza Bungliie was present and 6hown every
inclination to forward the interests of the two Sirkarst the
Government deemed it advisable to re-nominate him to his
former duties, and His Royal Highness, being equally con
vinced, has preferred him being re-appointed to any other
officer, and requested it accordingly.
5th.—The British forces who had taken a position-in an island on the
coast of Persia and who had been requested to withdraw.
As the Hon’ble the Governor of Bombay bas expressed a wish
for their being allowed to remain for a time for the sake of
appearances and benefit derived thereby. In consequence
His Royal Highness deemed it advisable for the safety and
tranquillity of the Gulf, and to preserve the intercourse free
and uninterrupted, has complied for the term of five years and
until a naval equipment sufficient for the purpose can be
gradually collected on tho following conditions:—
1st.—That if previous to the five years His Royal Highness should
have collected a naval force sufficient to ensure the
tranquillity of the Gulf and will pledge himself to that
effect, the British forces to withdraw on the assurance
and pledge being given.
2nd.—That if the British forces should be considered too great,
with a view to economy, they are to be reduced and an
equivalent force to be furnished by His Royal Highness
under the orders of an officer to encamp on the island
and to attend to their wishes and desires.
3rd.—The British and Persian forces to take positions on any
islaud on the coast of Persia, tho climate of whioh