Page 173 - Gulf Precis(II)_Neat
P. 173

Part V- Chap. XXXV.            151

                                  CHAPTER XXXV.
                                  THE PIRATE COAST.
                                BASSIDORE- 1822-1823.
                292. The following instructions were issued on 20th November 1-22 to the
                                           Senior OUlcer, Honourable Company’s
                     Vol. 91 of 1822, p. 321.
                                           Marino in the Persian Gulph, for the
             arrangemont and distribution of the force under his orders for guarding
             against piracies and being watchful of the vessels navigating those seas :—
                It being intended to bring down the garrison, and the whole of the British Establish­
             ment from the Island of hishm to Bombay, as also to withdraw He Honourable Company’s
             cruisers from that station, it has been deemed expedient to make the port of Muscat the general
             rendezvous for the Honourable Company’s cruisers accordingly.
                As when the military force shall bavo left Kislim it will become doubly incumbent on
             the Honourable Company’s marine not only to bo watchful of those ports from which pira­
             tical vessels were formerly fitted hut to bo vigilantly alert in keeping down piracies iu every
             part of the Persian Gulph, and in order more effectually to obtain this desirable end, it will
             be necessary to make such a division of the cruisers as may be best calculated for the purpose.
                I therefore recommend the following arrangement as the most efficacious manner of
             employing the force under your orders.
                Contemplating that you will have six of the Honourable Company’s cruisers for the
             service of the Persian Gulph (exclusive of the two surveying vessels).
                I conceive thee should bo three of the cruisers (one of each class) constantly cruizing
             off the Ports of Rumps, Kassclkyma, Shagra and Dubay, and that a fourth should bo frequently
             out and in the Port of Muscat duriug those mouths that the pirates (if any) would put to
                That a fifth cruiser be passing from Muscat to Busline and Bussorah in order to givo
             convoy or convey despatches from the one port to the other.
                And that tho sixth vessel be sent to Bombay with despatches or other emergent
             occasion or for refit as might be required.
                As tho successfully guarding the Gulph and proventing piracies in that navigation will
             greatly depend and watchful observation of the movements of the inhabitants in the ports
            ou the Arabian shore.
                The Commanders of Cruisers should frequently repair to the ports of the Arabs who are
             parties to the Treaty negotiated by Sir William Keir, and land for the purpose of ascertaining
             how they conform to its stipulations and bo careful to conduct themselves with the utmost
             degree of cordiality and conciliation towards tho Chiefs. If any appearance of the renewal of
            piracy should manifest itself, he should iu the first instance remonstrate with the Chief and
             require its discontinuance, failing iu which, measures must be adopted for destroying any
            armed boats that may be found at tho port, but no operation is under any circumstances to
            be carried on shore.
                Should the Commander in his visits to the ports beforementioned observe any vessels
            building, or equipping which he may conceive of a suspicious description, he will report the
            circumstances to you and it must bo your care to havo a watchful eye over such port and
            prevent such vessel making her escape to sea maintaining a constant communication on all
            subjects of importance with the Political Agent in the Gulph.
                On all occasions of examining vessels at sea to avoid delay or unnecessary interruption
            to the fair and licensed trader, and iu cases where suspicion attaches, the crews should be
            treated with mildness and moderation unless by violence on their part they induce severity in
            part of the cruizers.
                Should any vessel be detained on the groands of her being piratically employed, imme­
            diate notice of tho case with all its attendant circumstances should bo communicated to the
            Political Agent in the (iulph and his sentiments obtained as to the disposal of such vessel, and
            you are yourself and all the Commaudevs of the Honourable Company’s cruisers in the Gulph
            to attend to all instructions from tho Kcsidcntin the Persian Gulph.
                As it is most desirable that tho marine force should be kept at all times as   efficient as
            practicable, it is recommended that not moro than ono cruiser bo 6ent to Bombay at the
            same time (unlesson a caso of emergency) and at the return to the Gulph of such cruiser tho
            next in order of refit bo Bent when occasion may require.
               You will bo enreful to keep mo informed of your proceedings and those of the Honourable
            Company's cruizers under your orders from tirao as occasions may offer.
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