Page 174 - Gulf Precis(II)_Neat
P. 174

152              Part V—Chap, XXXV.

                            293. Tho correspondence printed below shows tlio measures taken in fur„
                        theranco of tho instructions of Government given above in their lotter to the
                        Resident, No. 1584, dated 12th November 1822, and the Instructions of 20th
                        November 1822:—

                                            Dated Bnnhiro, tho ISth February 1823.
                             From—Mb. F. Faith poll, Comranndor, Senior Marino Officer, PotsUn Gulph,
                             To—Hbnbt Mkiuton, E»q., Snpcrintcndont of Marino.
                           I have tho honour to enclose for your information a copy of a lotter received from the
                       Resident in the Gulph, which, with the insiructiona rccoived from you, have been my guido in
                       framing tho orders to the cruizors statiouod off tho piratical ports, copy of which orders I also
                           Tho Resident in tho Gulph being ready to embark from Bnssadoro on tho 12th of January
                       ho was received on board tho Ternate and sailed for the piratical ports accompanied by the
                       Aurora and Antelope.
                           On leaving Sharga the Resident wished to proceed between tho Islands to Bidda and to
                       communicate with tho survoying vessels and then proceed to Bahrain, as this passage was quite
                       unknown. I deemed it expedient to take a pilot at Sharga and discharge him at Bahrain.
                          It having become necessary to fia on some port where the senior officer might be found
                       not only to carry on the detail, but also to communicate readily with the Resident in the
                       Gulph, 1 have chosen Mogoo Bay, as affording good anchorage, being near the piratical ports
                       and directly in the track for ships passing up and down tho Gulph : should this arrangement
                       be approved it will onablo me to conduct with some certainty the movements of tho cruisers
                       00 the Gulph station. At present 1 am subject to some inconvenience from uot knowing where
                       1  may meet vossels coming from Bombay.
                          The cruisers are at present disposed of in tho following manner : Aurora on cruise off
                       Fump Rasalkhima, Zczerott U1 Humra and Araulgaweon ; Antelope on cruise off Aymaun
                       Sharga, and Debai ; Mercury I hope beforo this off Boothabee and adjacent Islands. Teign-
                       mouth disposed of by Captain French of His .\iaje6ty's 6loop Sophie in Bussora River.
                          I shall remain at Bushire to water and refresh the crew of the Temote until tho 18th
                       instant when I shall proceed Grsfc to Magoo to establish a native agent there for tho Resident
                       in the Gulph aud then join tho vessels off tho piratical coast and look particulary after
                       Suadin Bin Zal. When these services shall have been performed I intend proceeding to Muscat
                       to give the vessels and water casks a repair and to refit the rigging.
                          I have the pleasure to submit such observations as I have made on my late visit to the
                      piratical ports accompanied by Lieutenant Macleod, Resident in the Gulph.

                                           Dated BasBadore, tho 10th January 1823.
                            From—I. Macleod, Reaident, Persian Gulph,
                            To—The Senior Officer Commanding tho Honourable Company's vesaols in the Gulph of Persia.
                          As you are now about to carry into effect tho instructions of Government for cruizing on
                      the pirate coast, it becomes necessary that measures should bo immediately adopted for
                      revising and renewing the registers to be carried by tho vessels of the Maritime Arabs who
                      are parties to tho treaty negotiated by Sir W. G. Keir.
                          2. You will in the first instance have the goodness to specify what size and description of
                      vessels you consider it necessary and practicable to register, and it will bo intimated to the
                      different Chiefs that the registers of all such.vessels must be immediately renewed, but that
                      smaller boat6 are not required to be registered.
                          8. I would recommend that the officers stationed to oruise off the pirate port9 should
                      each be intrusted with the particular charge of a certain number of adjoining ports, so that
                       the three cruisers should together embrace tho whole of the pirate coast.
                          4.  A list will fco furnished by each Chief describing all nis boats which require registry,
                       whether he may wish for a register to enable them to go to sea at that time or not, 1 would
                       then suggest that the registers should bo grauted in the following manner.
                          5. The Commander of the cruiser in charge of tho particular port should either land himselE
                       or send an intelligent officer on shore to inspect tho Boats in person, and compare thorn with
                       the Shaikhs list, writing a description of each in English according to the usual form of the
                       Register which he will keep for future information and forward a copy to you, the Chiet
                       will then furnish separate registers in Arabic, under his own seal, for such vessels as he may
                       wish to send to sea during the year which will be compared and filed up below, an
                       signed by the Commander of the cruiser, but the register shall not be valid uutil they ®ha
                       have been countersigned either by you or by me, aud must therefore be retained until your next
                       visit, or returned to the Chief to be forwarded, as the case may be, for countersignature.
                          6.  You are authorized to grant or refuse at your discretion all registers which may
                       applied for, in communication with the officer in charge of the particular port to wluc e
                       boat may belong; and you will send a list or copy of all Registers which you may issue or
                       my information in the event of any urgent case, in which a Chief may desire a register
                       boat, which he wishes to despatch immediately for purposes evidently pacific1111 w
                       «fclay would he seriously inconvenient, the officers on the cruising stations may
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