Page 176 - Gulf Precis(II)_Neat
P. 176

                                                      lodi             Part V—Chop. XXXV.
                       cordiality and conciliation, and if any appcaranco of n renewal of piracy eliould manifest
                       itsolf, you should remonstrate with the Chief and roquiro its discontinuance, foiling in which
                      you are to report tho circumstance* fully, that measures may bo adopted for destroying   any
                      armed boats; but no operations undor any circumstancesoro to be canicd on on shore.
                          The cruisers omployed on this atation aro to bo entirely soparato in tho control of tho
                      several poris entrusted to their charge, and to imikc their reports direet to the senior ofltcor
                      and it is hoped that in a short time tl»e Commanders will be well acquainted with tho number
                      of boats, men, etc., of the ports under their inspection posness and that they will be ublo to
                      furnish tho senior officer with the best information, ns well as suggesting any measures that
                      may appear to thorn as likoly to prevent the occurrence of piracy.
                          When a cruiser shall be rolioved on her stution, she is to deliver over all papers, etc.
                       connected with it, and to furnish tho relieving officer with evory information, ub well
                      as with a copy of these instructions.
                          An orrangoment will, if possiblo, bo mudo by tho Resident in the Gulph for providing a
                      nativo Agent at some of tho principal ports who will give 3011 every information, and assist
                      in procuring you occasional supplies, and also act as interpreter .when required; in tho  mean-
                      time you arc authorised to crnplo}' such persons os 3'ou may require to enable you to make
                      out the list of boats, and also to have such boats as may be absolutely necessary in visiting
                      the back waters, tho expense of which will bo defrayed on your preferring a contingent bill
                      on the Rosidcnt in the Gulph, tluough the senior officer.
                         When I ho Mercury arrives on the station she is to relievo the vessel most in want oE
                      provisions (either Antelope or Tetgnm»uth) or in tho event of joining the etatiou before the
                      Teignmouth she is to take charge of tho poits named in the margin and to be furnished with
                      a copy of these instructions.
                         In tho event of a cruiser being obliged to leave her slatioh and go to Muscat for supplies,
                      it is expoctcd llicro will be as littlo delay as possible but when regularly relieved greater
                      extent of time will be permitted.
                         The senior officer intends to go to Mogoo immediately after landing the Resident at
                      Bushire, but does not anticipate being thcro before the end of February, be will jiot make
                      any sta)r at Magoo but revisit this coast without delay.
                                                                F. FAITH FULL, Commander,
                                                                   S. 1If. Officer, Persian Gulph.
                             H. C. C. Tebnatk,
                              Off Shabqa;
                           The 19th January 1823.

                          294>. The above correspondence having been submitted by Mr. Meriton to
                      the Government of Bombay, they entirely approved of the disposition of the
                      cruisers made by Captain Faithfull, as well as the instructions issued to their
                      Commanders. The selection of the Mogoo Bay for establishing a native Agent
                      on the part of the Besident in the Persian GulJ and as the place of rendezvous
                      for the cruisers, in their joining the senior officer, seemed to the Governor in
                      Council under all circumstances to he judicious, and the Superintendent of the
                      Marine was asked to direct the Commanders of all the cruizers bound to tho Gulf
                      from Bombay to proceed thither in the first instance (Bombay letter No. 351,
                      dated 18th March 1823).
                          295. In forwarding to the Bombay Government certain despatches received
                                                     from Sir Henry Willock, the Resident
                               Volume 37—132 of 1S23.
                                                     pointod out that Sir Henry had expressed
                      his opinion that our rendezvous in Mogoo Bay was likely to be received with
                      great jealousy by the Persian Government, which was anxious to construe the
                      11th article of the Definitive Treaty into a stipulation that none of our ships
                      of war could anchor in any Persian porrt without the express permission of that
                          A house had been engaged at Mogoo for a Public Store Dep6t, but
                                                     in their letter No. HOI, dated 10th Sep­
                                 Ibid, pago 470.
                                                     tember 1823, the Bombay Government
                      directed the Resident to give it up if tho Persian Government objected, and to
                      make Bassidore the rendezvous of the cruisers and obtain there a house for
                       reception of marine stores.
                          296. In Ootober 1823, in view of the Persian objection to our making
                                                     Mogoo Bay a rendezvous for our cruisers,
                                 Ibid, page 475.     the Bombay Government instructed
                       Lieutenant McLeod not to establish the rendezvous of the cruisers again in the
                       Persian territory without previously consulting His Majesty’s representative
                       at Teheran (letter No. 1126, dated 3rd October 1823).

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