Page 172 - Gulf Precis(II)_Neat
P. 172

150             Part V-Chap. XXXiv.
                           disposition to roour to piracy, they must be confined to the doetrnotion of the boats and  on no
                           no count bo carried on ou shore.

                           th.?s ® V,ln f.rt bcint? fully cstablishodj represent tho circumstance to tho Government of
                           Kirs ftVwldch oil tho possessions of Persia, including Husluro in tho Persian Gulf, oro imme-
                           J*”/1SinL amidemand reparation, and should your representation load to no satis­
                           factory result! you will forward your proceedings to tho British Envoy at Tohran and to the
                           Covornor in Counm ^0 ^ ghouW 8Uggcst u pinn for securing authentio intelligence of
                           , li nM of tho sevoral Chiefs on tho coast and a ready communication with them
                              nSf JSwol .quitionable character. You will adopt tho plan at once if not
                           should they \ p c^)Cnse. Tho mode in which the piratical Chiefs purchase their boats
                           attended with        them aU(i the sources whence they are supplied with arms and
                           ammunition for their equipment, it is also desirable to ascertain.
                              on win the Dolitical affairs of Persia, with its disputes with the Imam of Maskal
                              *0,      Powers in the Gulf, or the hostilities of these with each other unconnected
                           or the different         I,           you mil therefore maintain on the
                           "tZTof aly eXputo or national warfare the strictest neutrality,
                              21  The Governor in Council is desirous that you shouldl make yourself fully acquainted

                                        S"SS "iS“ tSSA’tp-rs z
                           SSbJfitSJk.. i™., ™> £ .wr.«. .i                   "r.*T p™t“'
                           Sect'ne its original relation with or dependence on another State; m fact a
                           enccinet history ol each as events may arise.    ...
                              22  Your personal salary has been fixed at rupees twelve hundred per mensem.
                           R8Q0 per mensem for a table and R600 for office establishment aod house-rent including
                           ftOOU per menBC„ ;     : exciU9ive of presents, tho averago amount of which for
                           boats, crews and B15  ’   °   iU ascertain and limit your expenditure on that account
                           the d-tlvUtOnyenr Sin- your station to visit the different ports in the Gulf or
                           accordingly. On yo q S *hich raay be necessary with the view of executing those
                           proceeding on duty      five hundred (ftiOO) per mensem as additional salary until
                           instructions, you will   p. . ,   to tho Commander of cruizers on which you may
                           yT [eKr-n*       charge Should you have occasion to proceed to Shiraz" in the
                           executiia o£etbesePiostrnctioogs;yon will report the circumstance to the Envoy at Tehran and
                           be guided by any suggestions he may offer on the occasion.
                               9S The Superintendent of the Marine has been directed to furnish you with a suitable
                              *modationU£ my ve8sel under orders for the Gulf. You should proceed direct to
                           accommodation in my v   .   and reguiate your measures according as you may
                           Kishm or to Masbimth      Brace’s negotiations, should they not have been promul-
                           ascertam to be the effect of P   , ® a knowledge of the terms, it would be
                           gated nor any alarm been exci   _ ,.   . receive charge of the Resideuoy and after
                           advisable that you should repair * ^ tbVpH^Tf Sh^z in disavowing the agree-
                           enttD!rthese instructions having relation to Maskat, Bahrein,
                           “dthr3l^:whth°.m paPrtiea to Sir William Keir’s treaty.
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