Page 267 - Gulf Precis(II)_Neat
P. 267

Part-VI-Chap. XLIX.            215

                       or dependants, we will not proceed immediately to retaliate, but will inform the
                       British Resident or the Commodore at Bassidorc, who will forthwith take the
                       necessary 6t*ps for obtaining reparation for the injury inflicted, provided that
                       its occurrence can bo satisfactorily proved.
                We furthor agree that the maintenance of the peace now concluded amongst us shall be
             watched over by tho British Government who will tako stops to onaurc at all times the due
             observance of the above articles, and God of this is tho best witness and guarantee.
             Abdulla bin llashid. llutnaid bin Rashid.  Saood bin Hutyc.  Booed bin Tabnoon, Sultan bin Suggur-

             Chief of Amulgaviuo.  Chief of Ejraaun.  Chief of Debai.  Chief of tho   Chief of the
                                                        Hcniyas.     Jcasmces.
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