Page 268 - Gulf Precis(II)_Neat
P. 268

24G                Part VI—Chap. L.

                                                 CHAPTER L.
   ;                                      FOR CUSTOMARY PRESENT.
                             448. Wo might fitly conclude this part of the Prdcis with an account of
                                                       an episode of the history of Maskat,
                               Volumo of 1817, p»go 160.
                                                       which has peculiar interest to us these
                         days. How Said Sultan obtained Gwndur has been mentioned in paragraph 58,
                         Chapter IX, above. In 1847 wo find Gwadur was attacked by a Baluchi Chief
                         to enforce a claim to the annual customary present. As this evidence of the
                         Baluchi Chief’s right is important, we shall quote Major Hennell’s report of
                         the affair, dated 24ith March 1842 :—
                            I hove the honor to report, for the information of the Honorable the Governor in Council
                         that about the commencement of the present year the Baeloochce Chief of Katish, named
                         Fukecr bin Mahomed, invested the Fort of Guadcl (a port belonging to the Imam of Mascat on
                         the Mekran Coast) with force of fcOO foot and 200 horse. The reason given for this
                         hostile proceeding was the omission on the part of His Highness Syed Sowenee, for the second
                         time, of the customary annunl present. After several attacks had been repulsed the
                         inhabitants finding themselves short of stores, ammunition, and provisions, in order to gain
                         time for a reference to Muscat, and the arrival of succours from that quarter, opened a
                         negotiation with Fukcer bin Mahomed, and agreed to pay him the 6ura of 200 Crowns after
                         the expiration of twenty days, provided he suspended hostilities in the meanwhile. These
                         terms were accepted by the Beloochee Chief, and the sieec was raised. On this intelligence
                         reaching Muscat, the brig Natarce was immediately despatched by the authorities, with a
                         reinforcement to the garrison of upwards of 100 men, and a sufficient supply of ammunition
                         and 6tores. The brig has since returned from Guadel, and reports that no further attempt
                         upon the place had been made by the Beloochee Chief.

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