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77               Part IV—Chap. XXII.
            remuneration (saving that his actual outlay was defrayed) for that highly important mission, in
            the year 1798-1799, to the Court of Persia although the good effects (lowing from his own sug­
            gested interposition at that crisis can scarcely bo too highly appreciated.
                182. Mr. Lovott, who had been appointed Itesidont at Bushirc in 1803, Mr. Manetty, tdf
            fell ill soon after his arrival at tho place, and as Mr. Manesty, Resident at ^BushirPmi11
            Basrah, was anxious to distinguish himself in Persia, he olTcred to relieve ut,lre>
            Mr. Lovott, and arrangements woromado for this purpose without obtaining the
            orders of Government. This was in February 1804. Soon after taking charge,
            from Mr. Lovott, Mr. Manesty proocedod on a mission to tho Court of tho
            King. He was peremptorily recalled and ordered to go back to Basrah by tho
            Government of India, as they entirely disapproved of Mr. Manes ty’s unauthor­
            ized and uncalled for proceedings.
                It was not known whether Mr. Lovett’s health and other circumstances Seleotfons No. 03 of
            might admit of his returning to Bushire and there was no certainty that I801-I8U.
            Mr. Manesty would repair again to Basrah by the way of Bushire; the
            probability being rather that be could tako bis route by Baghdad (in the same
            manner as Mebdi Ali Khan, and after him Major Malcolm had dono on their
            respective returns from tho Court of Persia), as likewise, that he might well
            consider himself exonerated from all further chargo of tho affairs of Bushire
            which, by the spirit and plain operation of the late determination of the
            Governor-General, ho might now in fact be justly construed to stand excluded
            from, and restricted as beforo to his established functions at Bassora.
               183.  Under these oircumstances, the Bombay Government deoided that Lieutenant
           Lieutenant William Bruce, then Assistant to the Factory at Bushire, be vested Yi!!iamJ3r{ZeZi
            with the exclusive authority over the commercial interests of that Residenoy, at But hire, i804.
            pending the absence of Mr. Lovett or till further orders (Proceedings, dated
            2nd August 1804.)
               184.  Mir. Manesty in acknowledging tho Government of India and the secret and Poll.
           Bombay Government’s orders wrote as follows to tho latter on 23rd November ^®pt;6^^70£ 1806
           1804 I—                                                          pp.'692-694.
               As I deem it advisable in consideration of the situation of the public interest connected
           with the unfortunato Busheabeo business that Lieutenant Bruce should still continue to act at
           Bushire as my ostensible Deputy and Representative, I have furnished him with a copy of
           your duplicate commands in question", and made an official communication to which I have
           the honour to cncloso a copy in the hope that it may meet your approbation.
               2. The only recovery which I had it in my power to make from Akah Mahomed Nebee
           Khan in Persia on account of his Bushire debt to the Hon’blc Company was a sum of
           Piastris Raige 14,250 for which credit has been given in the accounts of the Mission ; but in
           tho event of arrival here, on his way to Bushire or of his return to that place by the way of
           Teheran and Shiraz, I shall either personally or by letter strenuously urge him to put that
           large debt into an immediate train of liquidation, although I have auy reason to suppose from
           the circumstanco of my having found it absolutely necessary to afford him pecuniary aid io
           Persia in order to meet him the immense expense to which he was unavoidably exposed by the
           long delay of the Mission at Bushire and by his consequent recall from Shiraz to Court in
           the month of April last, that he entertains very warm hopes of obtaining from Government
           a further extension of credit.
              8. I had tho pleasure to effect at Shiraz the recovery of all the Hon’blo Company’s
           outstanding demands on individuals residing there and I shall uniformly give Lieutenant
           Bruce every advice and assistance which he may officially require.
               185. Mr. Bruce, the Acting Resident at Bushire, was in March 1807 Pertian honor,
           honored with the present of a Khelat from the Prince of Fars, probably with^Jr Lieutenant
           a view to disarm suspicions that would be roused by the arrival of a French Bruce> 1607'
           embassy at the Persian Capital, and the friendly reception given to it. The
           following letter of Mr. Bruce, dated 29th March 1807, describes the event:—
              I have the honour to inform you that on the 18th instant I received a letter from 1807.
           Muhammad Howaire Khan Keishtie, informing me that he bad been ordered by His Royal Swat and Poll.
           Highness the Prince to proceed to Bushire along with Topd Beg Goorgie (one of the Prince's Dept Diary No. 203,
           honorary servants in waiting) who was charged with a Firraaun and Khalat or Honorary PP* 8954-3961.
           Dress for mo, ordered by His Royal Highness, and that he should have the pleasure to com­
           municate further particulars to me on his arrival. I of course was not a little astonished
           at the contents of the letter, a oircumstance of the kind never having occurred here before ;
           and I accordingly sent a message to tho Shaik to know if he was aware of the reason of this
           inteuded honor, which the Prince meant to confer on mo; he said ho was as much at a loss
           as myself, but requested I would be prepared to receivo it, as it would arrive on the 24th and
          that he had received orders himself to attend with all the principal inhabitants of the town
          and his Musqueturs at tho investiture ; and that it would be proper for me to pitch a tent at
          some distance from tho town to receive it in, as I must ride iuto towu in state upon the
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