Page 103 - Gulf Precis(II)_Neat
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81               Port IV—Chop. XXIII.
           of tho inefficiency of our occasionally reserved and qualified authority over either singlo
           officers or bodies, acting at the same tirao under a superior powor, and os from the nature of
           things similar consequoncou must we apprehend be always more or less contemplated; we
           feel so far an interest that the arrangements now to be determined should be calculated, as
            far as possible, to avoid a projudicial oolliaion of authorities, in whichever channel it may be
            thought most beneficial for tho public service that it should bo exorcised.
               192. In March 1810 Mr. N. H. Smith, Resident at Bushirc, who was about PoU.Dspt. Diary
            to proceed to Maskat on duty, appointed Lieutenant William Bruce his assistant pP°. 2290 and 2133.
            to take charge of the dutios of Resident during his absence. Soon after,
           however, Lieutenant Bruce was ordered by General Malcolm to proceed up
           country, with the Persian mission,’ and left Mr. S. Babington in charge of the
           Bushiro Residency.
               193.  In his letter dated 1st May 1810, Mr. Smith informed the Bombay ibid, p. 2334.
           Government, that the pernicious effect of tho climate of Maskat obliged him to
           resign all further charge of the duties of that station. In these circumstances
           the following Resolution was recorded by the Bombay Government on 9th
           May 1810:—
               In consequence of Mr. Smith's relinquishment of the station of Muscat, the appointment
           of Messrs. Babington and Williams as assistants to the latter in the Political Department at
           Bushirc and Muscat must of course bo dissolved; and a9 Mr. Bruce who has so long acted as
           assistant to tho Commercial Rctidcnt at Bushirc, from which ho cannot bo removed without
           undue hardship or some fault on his part, constituted an establishment quite equal to all the
           purposes of the existing or even the prospective views of the Iion'blo Company, as to any
           extent of trade that can be carried on in the Gulph on their account; it appears under these
           circumstances necessary to revert to that part of the original instructions to Captain Wain-
           wright aud to Colonel Smith, which had for object to provide a more healthy station for tho
           residence of the person or persons who might be destined to have tho future superintendence of
           the Company's concerns at Muscat, in which view these officers are now to be requested by the
           Secretary to report the result of their enquiries and observations.
               Meanwhile, it should be communicated to Mr. Babington and Mr. Williams that although
           they are no longer to consider themselves as Assistants at Bushirc than to the end of April
           last, yet they might remain there and tho former perform tho dutios of that Residency as
           committed to him by General Malcolm aud Mr. Bruce, till further orders.
              It is in the meanwhile to be earnestly enjoined to these gentlemen to qualify themsolves
           fully during their abode at Bushire for future employment in the Gulph by acquiring a
           thorough and practical knowledge both of Persian and Arabic.
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