Page 107 - Gulf Precis(II)_Neat
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85 Part IV-Chap. XXIV.
scale altogether to tho Residency of Bagdad but with such reductions ns the reiterated injunc
tions of tho Hon'ble Court to au ccconoraical disbursement of the public money, so forcibly
prescribed, vis.—
Salary at Bagdad Ra. 2,000
To Itraident at Uuiliiro 1,600
House rent (or repairs to tho Faotory), diet inonoy and tablo allow 600
ances for Bagdad, Its. 1,60J.
Establishments of sorvauta of ovory description, inclusive of 600
clothing and atnblo ront, Its. C50 allowauco for Bagdad.
To coutingcncies at Bagdad Its. 160....................................... 160
7. In addition to the proccding Establishment tho salary of an Assistant if lie be a Civil
Servant be fixed at R500 per uieusoui, but if, from any other line of the service, the same
as the nesistant at Bagdad and Bussora, the difference of Military and Maiino allowances being
calculated to equalize that fixed for the situation when held by a Civil Servant.
8. It may be proper on this occasion to compare this permanent Establishment for the
maintenance of a Resident to superintend tho affairs of tho Company in the Gulph of Persia
and at Muscat with what Mr. Smith enjoyed and what i6 fixed for the lutter by the
orders of tho Hon'ble Court of which the following is the result:—
M r. 8mith'a salary was fixed por month at . 1,600
Allowed for contingencies and table expenses . . 1,200
Assistant’s salary................................................. 400
Salary to the Resident at Muscat . . . . 1,500
Salary to bis Assistant . . . • . 400
Contingencies................................................. 170
Proposed establishment for Basbire and Muscat . . 3,460
Difference in favour of tho proposed plan . . 1,720
9. As an inducement to the Assistant to attend to the provision of any investment which
the Hon'ble Company may require at Bushire, we propose to allow a commission of 2 per cent,
on the prime cost of such investment.
10. Wc shall hereafter do ourselves the honor of communicating to Your Lordship the
gentleman whom we may nominate to the charge of the Hon’ble Company's interests at
Bushire and at Muscat and the instruction we may frame for his guidance.
Dated Fort William, the 7th August 1812.
From—Loan Mihto, Governor-General io Council, Poll. Dept Diary
To—The Hon’ble Geobob Bbown, Esq., Governor In Connoil, Bombay. No. 388 of 1812.
pp. 2164-2172.
conceived, Lieutenant Bruco fully competent to Residency at Bushire and to state the observa-
the duties thereof and that a considerable saving tions which tho arrangement described in it has
will be effeoted by his nominatiou. suggested.
2. It is particularly necessary that we should express our sentiment regarding that
arrangement, because it originates in a proposition of our own, and is professedly founded on
principles which we have laid down.
8. Having transferred tho authority over the Residency at Bushire to your Government,
we consider tho footiug upon which that Residency shall be placed to bo one of those points of
internal arrangement which aro usually and properly left to the decision and responsibility of
your Hon'ble Board. But as you have supposed the allowances and establishment whioh
you have proposed for the Residency, and the appointment of a Civil servant to that office
to be in exact conformity to the principles suggested in our letter of the 3rd April, it is
incumbent upon us to point out the error of this supposition.
4. Wo have to observe, in tho first place, that it was by no means in our contemplation to
suggest, that tho Rcsidenoy of Bushire should bo established upon a basis of equal efficiency and
respectability with the several political Residencies in India. Wo do not conceive that under
the system of representation on the part of His Majesty's Government which now exists in
Persia, there is any analogy between the Residency of the subordinate and provincial town of
Bushire and the Residency at a Foreign Court such as that of Bagdad, which you have
assumed as the basis of the present arrangement. At the latter, the Rcsidenoy is regularly
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