Page 110 - Gulf Precis(II)_Neat
P. 110

Part IV—Chap. XXIV.             88
                              , P .        rpmarks contained in the 9th and subsequent paragraphs of Your
                            5, In reference to the r   Lordship's despatch, we be? leave to observe that
                                     1810.             from the correspondence with the Supreme Govern­
                                  10th January.        ment under the dates mentioned iu the margin
                                  lUtli „              it will appear that tho scale of allowances on
                                  23rd Fobruary.       which the Residencies of Ahushiro and of Muscat
                                   2nd March.
                                  28th                 havo been placed have not yet boon accurately
                            ,  '‘fSs-SH'StSiSfct£=32
                                   * M °& separate Residency,' and that the Resulent at Ahushiro should be vested
                        meat at MU.C.     I    of Government to maintain the intercourse with the Imautn
                        with general l < ■   o    f witli the Gulph and suggested a suitable establishment
                        of Muscat and all mttj Ajan^n       i           ^ M mmt
                        iB                    Staio“B aiparat? Residency at Mu*a,     on a
                           7 The EiMit Hon’blc the Governor-General then nt Fort Saint George approved of tho

                        .^"th” prf,»S °“r™ngorntPWithin tho amount to be saved by tho abolition o£ tho
                        distinct oflico at Muscat.
                           8.  Mr. Smith's salary ns Resident at Abushire, as fixed by tbo Supreme Government
                        instructions of tbe 11th of December 180(3 was Its. (1,600) one thousand five hundred and (1,200)
                        one thousand two hundred a month in lieu of all the charges. Tho Acting Accountant-
                        General in in his report of the 17th of March 1S12 suggested the additional Establishment of
                        tho united Residencies at Abushire and Muscat as far as related to Mr. Smith's personal remu­
                       neration aluuu to Its. (1,800) one thousand three hundr«u per munsom.
                           9.  This Government deemed tho proposed additional allowance to be made to Mr. Smith as
                       too considerable, and fixed the sum of Rs. (500) five hundred instead of the (1,800) one thousand
                       three hundred abovo mentioned making together the sura of (2,000) two thousand rupees per
                       month; this arrangemeut was referred to Your Lordship then at Fort Saint George in a letter,
                       dated tho 20th of March 1810, but no reply was made to that,
                           10.  Mr. Smith in consequence of what had been arranged by this Government drew up
                       to tho date of his resignation of that appointment on the 29th of March 1811 as his
                       personal allowances Rs. (3,200) three thousand two hundred per month instead of Rs. (2,700)
                       two thousaud 6even hundred as meutioned iu the 9th paragraph of the despatch now under
                           11. The permanent system therefore for the maintenance of a political control in tho
                       Gulph was then placed on the following scale
                                  The Resident's salary......................................................................
                                  For all other charges ........           1,200
                                  Two Political Assistants ........         400
                                  Commercial Assistant .   .   .   . .  .   .   .   .
                                  Commercial Establishment at the United Station   460-203
                                  By tho plan proposed by the Government of this Presidency the
                                    permanent system for the maintenance of our control in tho
                                    Gulph was fixed at......................................................................
                       and on comparing it with Mr. Smith's personal receipt the result will be  as follows
                                                         Mr.'Smith’s salary .     . 2,000
                                               n«.       Allowances for other charges .  . 1,200
                           Mr. Smith's mdpts . . .   . 3.100
                           Linguist aud Broker • • «  UW                            3,200
                                              3,910      Proposed to bo granted to the Resident . 2,950
                           Mr. Flower         1,600
                                              1,610      Difference in favour of the proposed plsn 250
                       and if wo assume as a standard of comparison the sum at which the personal receipts of the
                       Resident including the Linguist and Broker's salaries are now to be fixed, the saving will be
                        Rs. (1,510) one thousand live hundred and ten which will admit of a salary of Rs. (500)
                                                       five hundred for an assistant and yet realized a
                                                Ra.    saving of Rs. (1,010) one thousand and ton per
                          Mr. Flower's allowance* •   . 1,800  mensem, being rupees ono hundred and ten more
                          Assistant   •   .     COO    than that contemplated by Your Lordship, whilst
                          13rokor at Muscat •   .  100  the whole of the expense of maintaining a political
                                                       control in the Gulph will aggregate Rs. (2,400)
                                                       two thousand four hundred per mensem.
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