Page 111 - Gulf Precis(II)_Neat
P. 111

89              Part IV-Ohap. XXIV.
                12. It is only necessary further to remark that from tho dato of tho resolution giving
            offect to tho suggestions conveyed in the despatch from Yarn Lordship in Council, dated the 3rd
            of April, being the 10th of July, the expense of the Residency at Abushirc under the present
            arrangement will bo debited to this Presidency.

                               Dated Bombay Cnsllo, tbo Diet November 1812.   Poll. Dept. Diary
                                                                              No. 389 of 1812,
                  From—FbaNOII Waudbh, Eeq., Chief Sroretnry to tho Govornmont,  pp. 3713—2714.
                  To—Li ict bn a jit William Buuck, AuUtant in ohargo of tbo Roaidency at Bushirc.
                I am directed to inform you that the Right II on’bio tho Governor in Council has been
            pleased to lix tho futuro establishment for tho Residency at Bushirc at Rs. (2,300) two
            thousand three hundred per mensem, eighteen hundred rupees of which is to be drawn by the
            Rosident and to includo his own salary and thoso of Linguist and Broker: bis establishment
            for Purvoes and Peons, table allowance and every other charge with tho exception of presents
            which arc, howover, to bo limited to the amount heretofore disbursed, the assistant’s salary, which
            situation you arc to continuo to hold, boing fixed as Rs. GOO per mensem, besides which you
            aro authorised to charge a commission of 2 per cent, in tho investments which company may
            have to purchase in Persia.
                2. This arrangement is to have effect from the 4th of July, from which date the
            expenses of the Residency at Bushiro and ail the correspondence are to be charged to and
            carried on with this Government as formerly, the charges prior to that date being debited to
            the Supreme Government.
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