Page 109 - Gulf Precis(II)_Neat
P. 109

87               Part IV—Chap. XXIV.
                11. The result will be nearly tho same if wc assume as a standard of comparison the
            establishments which we understand the Hon’ble Court to have authorized, viz., tho
            Rcsidoncy at Muscat with tho allowances which you havo stated and that of Bush ire on its
            originol fooling—
                  Salary of tho Resident at Muscat                   1,600
                  Salary of his Assistant .   •                       400
                  Contingencies ...»                                  170
                  Allowances of tho Resident at Bushiro               COO
                                                            Total  . 2,670
                  Scalo of allowances solioitod by Mr. Bruoo .     . 1,800
                                                            Saving    870

               Proposed             . 8,450 Whereas the allowances which you have
               Autuorizod .         . 2,070 proposed exceed tho expense authorised by the
                                           Hon'ble Court in tho sum of 780 rupees per
                             Excess    780

                               Dated Bombay Castle, tho 21st Octobor 1812.
                  From—Sib Evan Nbplkn, Governor in Council,
                 To—The Right Hon’ble Gilbebt Lobd Minto, Governor-Gonoral in Council at Fort William.
               1.  We have tho honor to acknowledge tho receipt of the despatch from Your Lordship in
            Council of the 7th August communicating your sentiments on tho recent arrangement by tho
            late Government of an establishment for the Residency of Abushire.
               2.  On referring to tho proceedings which had taken place connected with those arrange­
            ments, Mr. Brown delivered in a minuto explaining the grounds on which the conduct of the
            lato Government had been regulated in respect to the scale of establishment on which the
            Abushire Residency was proposed to be placed, and in expressing our regret at the misconception
            entertained of the intentions of Your Lordship in Council, we have deemed it necessary to
            transmit a copy of Mr. Brown's minute, and to intimate to Your Lordship, that disposed as
           we are, to assume tho entire responsibility of regulating the internal arrangement of that or
            of any other Residency that may bo immediately dependent on this Government with the
            viow of relieving Your Lordship from tho consideration of details which are more immediately
            connected with this Presidency, we feel at tho same time the indispensable necessity of
            observing the strictest economy in the publio expenditure on all occasions, but particularly
            during the present exigency.
               8. Under the influence of this conviction, combined with a consideration of the expediency
           of affording to the British Resident at Abushire the means of maintaining the respectability of
            his representative character, as so essential to the promotion of the credit and interests of
           tho Hon'ble Company in the dominions of the King of Persia, we conceive the sura of eighteen
           hundred rupees a month was the lowest that cuuld be allotted for salary and establishment and
           evory other charge with the exception of presents, which will be confined within the narrowest
           scale, and not to exceed the amount to which the Resident has hitherto been limited ; under
           this arrangement it will appear that the actual receipt of the Resident after providing for the
           expenses of the establishment, necessary to the duo execution of tho duties of this station
           would not exceed the sum of (1,600) one thousand six hundred and ninety rupees per month.
               4. In reference to the 6th and 17th paragraphs of Your Lordship's despatch we have the
                                          honour to inform you that Mr. Flower of the
           As will appear by the following statement—   Civil Service on this establishment having been
                                          appointed to the situation on the 10th of July and
                       Bushibi.       Rs.
             T. .                         subsequently consenting to proceed on tho reduced
             Broker' \   !*.!*.!       80 ^^wance of Rs. (1,800) one thousand and eight
             Salary and allowance to the Resident .* 1,690 hundred per mensem, we  are concerned that the
             Including Establishment, peonn, ooca-   circumstance of the case combined with the
              sional expenses of this assistant on   forcible reasons  assigned by our colleague Mr.
             To™Mo® mu “be added tho ,alary of   Brown, preclude  u. from nominating Lieutenant
              tho Assistant.................................. 600 Bruce to the situation of the British Resident
                                          at Abushire, the orders of the Hon'ble Court and
                                     2.300 the claims of the Civil Service are a bar to whatever
                                         expectations Mr. Bruce may have formed of being
           advanoed beyond the station of an assistant at Bushire, and it is only out of consideration to
           the length of his services in that capacity that we are restrained from abolishing the situation
           of assistant at that Residency.

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