Page 106 - Gulf Precis(II)_Neat
P. 106

Part IV—Chap. XXIV.
                           It is superfluous to add that under tho ebargo of arrangement now nronoKpd ♦i,n
                        of the Residency of Bushire with the exception of such as may
                        Embassy in Persia will revert to the debit of your Presidency.   UQt °£ the

            Poll. Dept. Diary                Datod Bnohire, tho 17th December 1811.
            No. 365 of 1812,
            pp. 868-8C0.           From—Libotbnant William Bbdor, Aoting Roiidont at Baehiro,
                                   To—N. R.Edmobstohb, Esq., Chief Boorctary to Qovorumont, Fort William.
                           In laying tho accompanying extracts from tho Hon’blo Bombny Government Commands
                        to mo uudor dato tho 2nd July lust before tho Right Hon’blo tho Govcrnor-Gcnoral in-Council
                        I shall presume to state for Ilis Lordship’s liboral consideration tho long period which I havo
                        been at tho Rcsidcnoy (upwards of 12 years), tho major part of which I havo in general been
                        in charge of this station and havo givon satisfaction to thoso under whom I have had tho
                        honour of boiug employed, particularly Brigadior-Goneral Malcolm in tho Mission he has filled
                        in tho quarter and who recommended mo to tho favourable notico of Ilia Lordship in tho
                        address undor date 80th Juno 1810 from Sultania for a remuneration for tho aorvieo I had
                        rendered this mission. His Excolloncy Sir Gore Ousley has also mentioned my services in
                        favourable torms to His Lordship; under these circumstances I have to hope my temerity will
                        not be thought extravagant or unreasonable in requesting to be allowed in addition to my
                       present Falary to charge from tho period that Mr. Smith may havo ceased to- draw them, that
                       allowances granted by His Lordship for this Residency of Rupees sicca 1,200 per month in
                       lieu of all chargos as this amount is not more than sufficient to cover tho expenses of tho
                       establishment on tho most reduced scale, and shall therefore from that period presume to charge
                       this amount in my accounts with tho Supreme Government under tho full hope of its meeting
                       the liberal notico and sanction of His Lordship in Council.

                                            Dated Bombay Castlo, the 8th July 1812.
           Poll. Dept. Diary      From—Qbobob Bbown, Eaq., Acting Governor in Council,
           No. 386 of 1812,
           pp. 1458-1460.         To—Hia Excolloncy tho Governor-Gonoral.
                          We have tho honour to acknowledge the receipt of Your Lordship’s despatch undor date
                       the 3rd of April last as also that from Chief Secretary under tho same dato both on tho subject
                       of the Bushire Residency.
                          2.  The motives which have weighed with Your Lordship in Council for maintaining the
                       Residency of Bushire on a more respectable footing are so fully detailed on that despatch that
                       it only remains with this Government to give effect to Your Lordship’s instructions.
                          3.  We cannot, howevor refrain from offering our respectful concurrence in the policy and
                       expediency particularly under the recent conclusion of tho dofinitivo Treaty with the King of
                       Persia, combined with the prospects of negotiating a coramorci:il engagement with that State,
                       of establishing the representative of the Honorable tho East India Company in the Persian
                       Dominions, upon a basis of equal efficiency and respectability with the several Political Resi­
                       dencies in India.
                          4.  Independently, however, of the Hon’ble Company’s interests in Persia, the control of
                       the Resident at Bushiro may extend over the Port at Muscat, at which place we are authorized
                       by the Hon’ble Court to appoint a resident with a personal salary of Rupees (1,500) one
                       thousand five hundred per mensem; but have been deterred from nominating a successor to the
                       late Captain Seton in consequence of the insalubrity of the climate, a more immediate control,
                       however, over that State and over the conduct of the Hon’ble Company’s Native Agent at
                       Muscat cannot fail of guarding ogainst the eventual supersession of our influence and it
                       preventing the difficulties of re-establishing that influence on the occurrence of any political
                       emergency of an adverse nature, against which we cannot be considered to be at all times
                       entirely secured.
                          5.  The just and liberal principles by which wo havo been instructed to be guided in
                       fixing a permanent scale of allowances for the Residency of Bushire we observe to be in
                       accordance with those prescribed in the orders from the Supreme Government as .conveyed in
                       their despatch from the Right Hon’ble the Governor in Council dated the 6th of April 1798,
                       founded upon tho suggestions of the late Marquis Cornwallis as offered in His Lordship’e
                       Minute dated the 31st January 1788 for fixing tho salaries of tho Hon'blo Company^
                       servants; they were the result of the matured reflections of that respected nobleman : .their
                       justness was recognized by His Lordship's successor the Marquis Wollcsloy and has been again
                       prescribed for our guidance in Your Lordship’s instructions now before us. In this quoting
                       the sentiments of authorities so distinguished, we are actuated by a desire of recording a
                       respectful acquiescence in tho wisdom and polioy of those principles which impose uj>on
                       public servants, by a fair and ju6t remuneration, the obligations of discharging the duties with
                       fidelity and honor by removing every plea, for deriving emoluments of an objectionable
                       nature, the effects of which tend to lower tho dignity of the Government, the character of
                       their servants and to prove prejudicial to the best interest of tho Hon’ble Company.
                          6.  By there impressions we have been actuated in determining ou the allowances, for the
                      Residency of Bushire and as the most applicable precedent havo taken for our guidance tne

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