Page 101 - Gulf Precis(II)_Neat
P. 101

79               Part IV—Chap. XXII.
            own judgment on any questions having reference thereto, but you will carefully avoid all
            general discussion and invariably refer to all matters of that naturo to that judgment and
               TI1080 appearances with regard to oquipments which nro becoming to the station
            which you hold you will carefully preservo and keep up, and should any presents appear
            absolutely necessary, on emergency or in compliance with established usages and forms,
            you will concoivo yoursolf at liberty to mako them always, however preserving a due regard to
            economy and kcopiug in mind the particular circumstances of our present political situation
            in Persia which renders it in my opiuion highly noecssary to avoid any appcaranco of extra­
            ordinary liberality which might wear appearance of a timed concession to the avaricious
            demands or arrogant assumptions of the officers of tho Persian Government.
               As far ns it is possible for mo to form a judgment upon the probable conduct of the
            Persian Ministry, I do not think it at all likely that they will after the departure of the
            mission continue to entertain thoso unwarrantable designs against yourself and the small party
            remaining with you, which I had such just reason for supposing to have been in contemplation
            against this mission for the escort and Indian attendants attached to it being thus removed,
            you will I hopo no longor appear to them as fit objects of that jealousy which however ridicu­
            lous and unfounded certainly oxisted in a great degreo in their miuds while the troops and
            followers attached to General Malcolm's suite continued still qt Bushire.
               Should you however havo just reason to apprehend any thing of the kind, or should the
            conduct of tho Persian Government in any way render such a measuro in your eyes necessary,
            you will without hesitation withdraw the factory and join me at Dussora without delay.
               That you may always possess the means of a speedy retreat it will be necessary that a
            cruizer should constantly be established at Bushire aud I 6hall concert measures with the
            Besident of Bussora for that purpose.
               You will constantly keep me advised of all occurrences and give me the earliest intelligence
           of every political event that may take place transmitting copies of your reports to me on those
            points to tho Secretary to Government in the Political Department at Fort William by every
            opportunity with such additional information as may in the interval have come to your
            knowledge, you will also transmit copies of all your despatches to the Hon’ble the Governor
            in Council at Bombay and to Brigadier-General Malcolm.
               You will of course be prepared to make over to mo the office of Political Resident and to
           place all things on the same footing on which Jthey were left by General Malcolm, should
           circumstances hereafter induce me to return to Bushire at any future period,
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