Page 172 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 172
Table No. 3-A.—Imports into the Port of Bush ire from different countries during the
1918.19 and 1919-20 classified, according to Persian Customs— contd.
Vue*. WlIOUT.
Article. Co uj tries.
1913-19. 1919-20. 1910-19. 1913.V
£ £ Ton* Ten,
Iroa Manufactures Ini La , 1,999 6,«7 20 Vi
United Kingdom 310 3,67 * 1 U
O.bex Couutrio* . 119 124
Japan 1,404 10
United States of Amenta 2,333
Total 6,423 | 11,893 21| n
Tin, Lead and Zinc in sheet*, India ... 4,833 24,695 11
blocks, etc. United Kingdom . 333 27,576 1 57
China • 1,317 16,161 3
United States of America 2,186 ;
J apan . . 1,325 2
Oioer Countries 692 2
Total 6,483 71,635 f 15 :r,
Tin, I*ad and Zinc, Manufac India 337 85 1
ture*. United Kingdom 1 10
OvLtr Countries &
Total 338 104 j ll
Copper and Nickel, in bars, India 122 5,323 1 5)
flatea, etc. United Kingdom 2 16,013 a
(Xbcr Countries 615 2
Total 124 21,960 1 n
Copper and luckel Manulac- India 163 678
. -turn. Other Countries . . Vae . 166
Total 163 843] 1
Aluminium Manufactures - India 149 1,436 t
United Kingdom 70 155
Total *• 219 1,691