Page 177 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 177

          TabIe Mo. - 3*A.—Imports Into the Port of Busblre from different countries during the year
                     191819 and 1919-20, classified according to Persian Customs— contd.

                                                *.        Who hi.
                Article*.            Countries
                                                       1913-19.  1919-20.  1918-10.   1919-20.

                                                         £       £     Ton*   Tons

          ymcry and haberdashery .  United Kingdon       4,279  4,781
                            India   .   .               13,0u6  12,352
                            Japan   .   .  ,  .          1,102  2^263
                            Uuited States America               2,101
                            Franco                              1.647
                            Epypt   .   .  ■\                    8J4
                            Other ccunlrica .             418    6C9

                                              Total     19,105  42,637

          Fenitart ,        India   .   .   -            1,413   639      8       4 1
                            United Kingdom                 34    179
                            Other countries .             22      61
                            J a   .   .   •                   2
                            United States of America              69
                                              Total      1,469   850      8       5

          Gild watches      Tndia                         116    178   No. 43 1  No. 15
                            United Kingdom                 17             3      44
                            Switzerland                   26     424             18
                            Franco                               116
                                              Total       189    926   No. 47  No. 93

          liter watchca     India .                       61     179   No. 31  No. 75
                            United Kingdom                       123             263
                            Switzerland                          346             15
                            Franco                                 6
                                              Total       61     654   So. 31  No. 381

                                                          166    23*  No. 298  No. S75
          O'-W watehea ,  • India                                         63     65
                            United Kingdom                26     143             654
                           I Switzerland   •                     667              5
                            Franc* ,   •                           9
                                              Total       191    967 No. 361  No. 1000
   172   173   174   175   176   177   178   179   180   181   182