Page 179 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 179

                No. 3*A-—Imports Into the Port of Bushlro from different countries during tJac year*
                      1918*19 and 1919-20, classified according: to Persian Customs—to*td.

                                                             Yilvju         WlIOHT-
                  Article*.             Countries.
                                                         1918-19.  1919-20.  19L3-19.   1910-20.

                                                           £       £     T-ons   Tons
                   China, and por-  India .                5,506   7,216    34     25
             ttliia-          United Kingdom                4-52   1*677     1     11
                              Ollier countries .            363     329      1      2
                              Japan                                7,757           35
                              Mc&opctxmia                          284              0
                                                Total      6,371  17,303    36|    80

             feied products   India                        2,236   L314     18     24
                              United Kingdom                614   1330       1     18
                              Mesopotamia                   75-9    12       4

             I                                  Total      3,649 |   3,742  23 |   42
             r^npl'cal and litho-  India                    930   1,514     7       9
             pspsicil products.  United Kingdom             76     689              3
                              Oman .    ,                    6
                              Japan                                  2
                                                Total      1,012 |   2,*C05  7     12

                              Mesopotamia ,                 44      13      U       2
                              Bahrein .   .                         30              3

                                                Total       44      43      16      6

             ?■ pruned .     India                         620     733      2       3
                             United Kingdom                165     9 U      1       4
                             Japan                          33     736              3
                             Otter  countries .                     26
                                               Total       703    1489      3       9

             * oiler.        India .   ,                  1228             20      46
                             United Kingdom                                         S
                             Other countries .              61              1

                                               Total      1^89    150«     SI      49
   174   175   176   177   178   179   180   181   182   183   184