Page 183 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 183


         fable No. 3«B,—Exports from the Port of Bushire to different countries during tile ye*tt
                   1918**9 a.nJ *9i9<»Oi classified according t-o Persian Customs—‘c4*(d.

                                                          Titus.         Wxzoht.
               Article*.             Countries.
                                                      1918-19.  1910-20.  1918-19.  1919-20.

                                                         £      t      Too*   Too*
             sad tinegar    Indi*                         47     275              1
                            Other eoantrica .             S4     120      3       2
                                              Total       141    £95      2       3

         jjcobd and ipirit* of vrino .  Oman               9
         £»a-de-Vi* .   •  Indio                           6
                           Oman                           15

                                              Total       21

         Cole and charcoil  Koweit                         4    1,179     2      65
         Kiev .            Mesopotamia                          1,737  • M       54
         Grain, other*     India                         181     997      6      15
                           Oman                                   17      1    ...
                           Mesopotamia                   113     187      3       3
                           Giber countries .              13
                           Bahrein .   .                        1327,            13

                                             Total       3S4    2^28     10      30

         Da tea            India                         611    6^34     48     369
                           Oman                           59              6
                           3lcsopotamia ,                  i              1
                           Bahrein .                             46               4

                                             Total       673    5,430    54     363

         Almonds tad pistachios  India .   •           25,155  40,635   198     335
                           United Kingdom                185     633      1       9
                           Mesopotamia ,                1,091    653      9      13
                           Oman                          414     G6       3       1
                           Bahrein •                      34    2,634            30
                           Mowed .                               211              3
                                             Total     26^79   41,731   210     381
   178   179   180   181   182   183   184   185   186   187   188