Page 188 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 188

            Table No. 3-B.—Exports from the Port of Bushlrc to different countries during the jear,1
                       1918-19 and 1919-201 classified according to Persian Customs—^contd.

                                                            Vxlvm.         Wkioiit.
                  Article*.            Countries.
                                                         1918-19.  1910-20.  1918-19.  1319.21

                                                           £      £      Ton*   Ton*
           EirtLccwue and China  Mesopotamia .              33     m               1
                              Other countries .             63     KS       S      1
                                          1                        SOO      8
                                                Total       96                     11

           Chsmical pod act*   ,                            67     160      1      1
           Object* of art and collection .                   3
           Typographical aid litho­ India                   15     3!8             1
             graph ica! prod acta.  Mesopotamia             87
                                                Total       63     318

           Tobacco, unmanufactured  Mesopotamia            2,273   4,658   35     41
                              Oman                          4S3   1,135     6     12
                              India .                    ' 7.7CO  31,106   126    SI
                              United States of America    ... •   1,331           1!
                              Other countries .             163   3,030     3     31
                              2gjpt                               5,326           42
                                                Total     10,630  46.536   170    169

           Tobacco^ manufactmd  Mesopotamia                 205    192      4
                              Other countries .             49              1
                                                Total       266    152      6

           Paint* and dyea, net specified  India •          324             6     65
                              Bahrein .                     469            24     10
                              Mesopotamia                   35              3      I
                              Other countries .             94              6
                                                Total       913  •   2040  87     n

           Mesnifc            Mesopotamia                   81    •m        1
                              Oman                          11
                              India                          1
                                                Total       43              1
   183   184   185   186   187   188   189   190   191   192   193