Page 191 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
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No. C.-379, dated Budiiro, the 24th October 1921.
                    From—The Hos’blk Lieutenant-Colonel A. P. Trevor, C.S.I., C.I.E? Political
                             Resident in the Persian Gulf,
                    To—The Hon'ble Me. Denys di S. Brat, C.I.E., C.B.E., Foreign Secretary to
                             the Government of India in the Foreign and Political Department,

                             BnbjootTrade Report of Buahlre for 1920-1L
                 I have the honour to submit to you Trade Report for this district for the
              Persian year March 21st, 1920, to March 20th, 1921, which has been compiled
             by Mr. S. Clegg, Temporary British Vice-Consul, Bushire, and sent to His
             Majesty’s Principal Secretary of State for Foreign Affaire under cover of my
             despatch No. 13 of 24th October 1921, a copy of which is also enclosed for
             your information.
                 A further copy has been despatched to His Majesty’s Minister, Teheran.

                              No. 13, dated Bushire, the 24th October 192L
                    From—Tho Hon'ble Lieutenant-Colonel A. P. Trevor, C.S.I., C.I.E., Hi*
                            Britannic Majesty's Consul General for Fare, etc.,
                    To—The Most Hok'ble the Marquess Curzox or Kedlestox, K.G., G.C.8.I.,
                            G.C.I.E., His Majesty's Principal Secretary of State tor Foreign
                            Affairs, Foreign Office, London.
                 I have the honour to submit herewith Trade Report of Bushire for the
             Persian year March 21st, 1920, to March 20th, 1921, which has been compiled
             by Mr. S. Clegg, Temporary British Vice-Consul at Bushire.
                 Duplicate copies of this report have been sent direct to His Majesty**
             Minister, Teheran, and the Government of India simultaneously.
                 If this report is printed I venture to ask that 12 copies may be sent to
             me for local use and for the various Consular and Political Officials round the
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