Page 187 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 187

         f*b!e No. 3-B.—Exports from the Port of Bushlrc to different countries tjwlng the yeart
                    1918-19 and 1919-ao, classified according to Persian Customs—contd.

                                                          VXLVX,         Wzioht.
               Articles.             Countries.    i
                                                      1918-19.  1919-20.  1918-19.  1919-20.

                                                        £       £     Tona    Tone
         f^aes of wool .   Oman . _  .                   270      SI
                           Other countries .             193     164

                                              Total      463     195

         Z*ztt of silk .                                   7      96
         Ck-jets of wool .  United States of America    2,819  16,877     6      1»
                            United Kingdom              7,279  16,796     9      26
                            India                       13,318  81,811    21     85
                            Egypt                               6,309             5
                            ?dc-sojotamuo .             1^072   6,826     2       6
                            Other countries .             187   1,651             4

                                              Total     24,675  128,169   38     145

          Vies, not specified .                            8     131              10
          Zt jams.   .                                     15     15
          -=»rj and haberdashery                          112    230       1      S
          ,-ce and embroidery ,                            4      67
          7«* and cordage •                               100     36      1       1
          ?cm               United Kingdcm              11*094   659       S      1
                            India                               18,450  • ••      4
                            Singapore .                139,171  97,327    27      17
                            Hongkong                    32,478  166,938    7      34
                            China                        6,296  11*179     1      S
                            Jtp*a                               42,887

                                              Total    189,039  337,340   37      67

           ^ raw, dried and salted . India .   .   •     4*822  20,876    41     206
                            Mesopotamia                   41    »*•     «•*
                            United States of America            8,118             48
                            United Kingdom "  .                   872             S
                            Other countries.   .                  89

                                              ToUl       4*863  23,900    41     259
   182   183   184   185   186   187   188   189   190   191   192