Page 192 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 192

Annex to Annual (Bushire) Trade Report of 1920-21.

             The period under review in the foregoing report   Pubfic Buildings,
            ,*i from March 21st, 1920, to March 20th, 1921,
            but between  tho latter date and tho time of  Work on the new Bnsbire Hospital is progres­
            wrlb’ng various changes have taken place which   sing- very satisfactorily, and at the time of
            *re likely to have far-reaching and adverse effects   writing (September 195:1) the first storey of the
            on the trade of tho country.         building iR practically complete.
                                                   Tire new Custom* Buildings are also coming
                     South Persia Rifles.        on apaco, and many of the new godewns will bo
                                                 ready for occupation in the near futture.
             During recent months it has become increas­
            ingly apparent that this Force, which has done
            fO veil in restoring and maiutxining order on the   Currency.
            trade-routes in Southern Persia, was doomed to                 .  - 1 Ena
            disbandment, or at least to serious redactions in   20 fbafcis (40 pula)  —  1 Testa
            strength. Should the South Persia Rifles, as an   10 Knot ...
            effective and protective Force, disappear, there is   Coinage current in district :—Nickel pieces of
            no doubt but that the old time gangs of bandits   1 and 2 Shahis ; silver pieces of 1 kran (very
            *nd marauders will very quickly reappear ; for in   few), 2 and 0 krans (few), Imperial Bank of
            Peiria nearly every wayfarer armed with a rifle is   Persia notes of 1, 2, 3, 5, 10, etc., turnans.
            a potential robber.
                                                   In Bushire itself rupees amd sovereigns ire
                Bushlre-Bornsjua Light Railway.  accepted.
             On March 21st, 1921, the above mentioned          Exchange.
           Bailvray ceased to carry passengers and public   JUaximum      . ETrvm 5-1-17
           goods, and, all efforts to effect a reasonable sale of            „   20-40
           tie Railway as a going concern having failed, it   Xininam        *   37-00
           was dismantled and shipped to India before the   Arerag*
           end of the following August.
                                                    Weights of Commercial Importance.
                   New Customs RcglemcnL
                                                   15 Kina Cl Baihire eu)    7-56 n*.
             On the advent of the new tariff there was a   1 Tabpz or C astern* out a (alto called
           tremendous outcry against it by the merchants   batm&a) .   .   .  654  „
           all over the country. For a long time local   1 Sbirax man .   .   •   •  7-36
           merchants, as a protest* refused to clear their
           goods from the customs, but eventually, when   1 Baahioa man
           it was realised that the Persian Government wag   In Bcahirs   ...  124
           as adamant in its intention to insist on the   In Cbogadale ud Cbakatak .  124
           application of the new tariff, opposition gradually   In Aagali, Eaihill'-h. Kcunsfcah,
           wavered and finally ceased.                 Zirat, Shab)V2ikareh, Ziudcn and  •  1391 .
             Of the taxes on imports that on sugar gave rise   In Zirah and Kttrn   .  155
           to the roost bitter comment, hat or the value of   In H *y*X Daorf   ...  186
           this commodity in the open market has since   In Linfri   .   •
           decreased considerably the increase is not now felt   In HoxCma   .   •   •   •  240
           to the »ame extent.
                                                   I Eh&rwax (100 Ufcmoi) •  654
             In the case of exports the only increase that has
           Cau^ed serious comment h that on gum tragacanth,
           which is very excessive («.*., 30 per cent.). Unless   Packing.
           tjhia tax is modified considerably there is a grave
           knger of Persia losing the market entirely, as,   Transport from Bushire to the interior is
           owing to favourable rates of exchange, it is possible   almost entirely by males. A fair weight for
             {?*£« Anatolian gam tragacanth on the market   bales transported by moles ii 150 to ISO lbs. eiea
           buttle more than half the price of the same   half mule-load. Cases should be obloog, about
           Wity in the Persian product.          30 by 16 by 16 inches.
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