Page 195 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 195
■ ,• ucd to fl°ur's“ u"til after the end of the Tom. Toot.
j '4 un(jCr review, and facilitated the quick and 1909- 10 . 16,101 6.016
/ Jr transport of merchandise up country; 1910- 11 . 13379 9.339
. 8jjition to which it was well patronised by a 1911- 13 . 10397 28,036
•If large number of passengers travelling to 1912- 13 . 19,712 .13,776
p fro. 1913- 14 . 23,014 6,009
i ,finy complaints have been received during 1914- 15 . 18,011 5.729
rastyea'8 of the excessive amount of pilfering 1915- 16 . 11,0:9 3,803
r ,n goes on in the ships plying in the Persian . 21.407
Agitation against this malevolent 1916- 17 3,001
'vtice gTCW until the British India Steam 1917- 18 393.78 2.716
(*i ^tion Company eventually sent out ono of 1918- 19 . 26,830 2,777
*!jrSenior Representatives to make an enquiry 1919 20 . 23,212 3337
>_} w3Vg and means of putting an end to this 1920-21 . 21,154 3.196
of affairs- This gentleman met and dis- To enable one to perceive at a glance hovr
{^j the whole question with the Bush ire much of the aforementioned trade is secured by
f'.jbb Chamber of Commerce, and the result, so India and the United Kingdom tho percentage
• appears to have beea very beneficial. proportion of the value for the past twelve year*
Towards the end of the year the unsettled is given.
- of the country (politically) in the north Import*. Export*.
effect on the p dhics and the commerce of 1909 10 7900 per ccnl 57^0 per col-
- iO'Jth, with a detrimental result to the d* s- 1910- 11 73-73 6108
C-b of goods* up country;* iud^l, some 1911- 13 76-00 W 51^
i.vhants recalled their merchandise Trom the 1912- 13 7006 19 02^2
-h ai.d it now 1£—s in warehouses id Hush ire 1913- 14 61-74 99 32-54
!i. g a more tranquil state of affairs in the 1914- 55 78-96 99 70-:9
.uior. 1915- 16 93 70 99 72*45
lb* withdrawal of the Indian Troops from 1916- 17 95-81 cmz
| ah Persia and the reduction of the 1< cal 1917- 18 97-50 5316
vrb-n has not beea without its effect on the 1918- .9 93-70 19 3544
ol trade of Bus hire. 1919 2» 73-00 99 50-26
1920-31 71-SO 37-25
Volume of trade. 99
n.e for,owing figures show the value in ster- Imports.
--Z of imports and exports during the past
jT--re years, but as these figured have been There was a decrease in the total value of
;~cd at by calculation* based on the average rates imports as against the year 1919-20 of £ 260,560.
f exchange during the respective years, they Whilst the value of crystal sugar, tissues of wool,
vsaUleading in some ways, and for this reason and wool and silk mixed with cotton imported
| ymilar statement (bowing the respective increased considerably especially the first named,
*:>hts of imports and exports is also appen- there were large decreases in many items, chief
f Imports. Krport*. among which were tissues of cotton, cotton
yarns, tin lead, zinc, etc., tea and loaf sugar.
A study of the statistics regarding loaf sugar
£ £
»»-10 651,901 361,446 reveals the fact that a larger quantity of this
1710-11 623,236 317,227 commodity was transported inland than the
toll-12 847,756 603,200 amount imported into the country. This is
*12-11 951,720 637.091 accounted for by the practice of some local mer
1313-14 825,7o7 €01.766 chants of storing the sugar in w&rebotses wt
*14-15 6.9,339 719,171 Bu?hire until the sugar market up country, which
fcis-ie 777,317 653,056 fluctuates considerably, is favourable for for
*16-17 1,299,663 443,434 ward consignments.
*17-18 2.439,179 830,951
*14-19 2916,450 895,150 Exports.
*1*10 2J23,357 917,665 There was a decrease in the total value of ex-
*2-21 ports, as against the previous year, of £19,034.
2,462.797 899,571