Page 196 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 196


                This decrease showed itself mainly in gum          Discount.
              tragaeanth, gum insoluble, raw cotton, sdft sugar
              and almonds. On the other band several items   Average rates of dircount for bills dr**,
              6uch ai opium, carpet a and tobacco showed an   Shiraz at 21 days sight were ns follow*
              increase, ns a comparison of the statistics will
                                                       March to September 1920 .  • • 2
                                                       September lJi.0 U» March 1921 •
                                                                             • 2l t*t
                TLe fluctuations in the rates of exchange have
               been extreme during the period under review, in
               the case of sterling dropping &s low as Krs. 20*4   Bushirc-Sliraz Road.
               per £l,and in the care of rupees as low as Krs.  As has been mentioned under the hfcv.j-
             ' 241*S per Its. 100 (both in April 1020). The   “ Conditions affectin'* Trade ” the Light He* J
               maximum rates reached were Krs. 54-*17 per .-tl   from Busbiie to Bora«jnn was o;-cn to p.J
               (in March 1921), and Krs. 365*8 per Its. 100   traffic during the whole of the period und--.J
               (in February 1021). Average rates Krans 37*0   view and greatly. facilitated speed of tiart-:. {
               peril sterling and Krs. 309*02 per Rs. 100.  and at the same time reduced its cost.   j
                These fluctuations have, in the main, been due   nitherto ‘Rahdari 9 and * GoosM’ {road uJ
               to the natural causes of supply and demand.
                                                    levied by the khans or headmen on the r-J
                Another reason for the low rates of exchange  have been a very heavy c-harwe on the «-•; .j
              in the Airly part of the year was   the enhanced  transport, but these taxes ha«e been pn-L.' \l
              price of bar silver in:bc open marhet, which las   since the advent of tiained troops. Hie Lx:i
               reflected itself with the same disconcerting re­  however, have retaliated in a surreptitious mn-.i
              sults as have teen seen in China and India during   Ly gradually increasing the prices charged *
              the s'-tme period.                    fodder in thc:r districts, and thus have regain;
                                                    percentage of the Iofecs occasioned by the jr
                The reduction in British Military expenditure,   hibition of the taxes.
              ranking as a reduction in exports, has added to   In pre-war days animal transport was grad-3.!
              the clpreciar.ion of llekran. ?doreover, the elump
              in Eastern products in the home markets has   but stf-adily disappearing from the Eushire-il.'
               discouraged exports, and Perria finds it increasing­  Road for other feenes of activity on at-couii
              ly difficult to balauce her trad-.    the insecnrily on this road but during the:.,
                                                    jear or two it has not been difficult for xnen.Lv:
                TLe Persian Government bas placed an em­  to obtain an adequate supply of transport for ti-
              bargo on the export of silver from the country,   goods.
               but in spite of the witchfuk-e^.B exercised by the
               Customs Officials it appears that large qualities   The following figures show the number
               of krans have been smuggled out of the country,   transport animal* plying on the Basbirc-Sir
               especially recently since the depreciation in the   Road daring the year 1920-21.
               exchange value of the kran took place.
                                                       Pen:a* Monlb*.   Male*. Donley*.  C*njf*x
                Average rates of exchange in- recent years have
              been:-----                               1st month   I, 859  404    US
                                                       *nd w       J. G68   847     C
                                Per £    Per YU. 100
                                                       Srd .       1,441   45*     111
                 1910- 11       64-80'      367-76'    4*h »         68    238    1/W
                 1911- 18       64-10       862-91 “   6th .       1,299   ATI     1CJ
                 1912- 11       6618        877-42'    6th -       146$    159     1$
                 1918- 14       66-78       .I79-62 *   7th .      L906     84
                 1914-16     •   62-50      411-66     8* -        1^37    117
                 191/-16     .   63-Cf      420-61     9th .       1^28    806
                 1916- 17    .   43-81 '    295-69     10th „      1,414   807
                 1917- 18    .   3812      • 282-44    Uth .        877   1,039   IS*
                 191M9       •  . 80-40     222-88     12th „      2,182  tiTlT
                 1919- 20 '•  •   88-88 • -  ttl‘SSr              17,838   7.380  044
                 1920- 21 '  .   *87-00    Wer
   191   192   193   194   195   196   197   198   199   200   201