Page 201 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 201

                  ,i B "—Comparative statement of Exports from Bushlrc to all countries during
            •Die N°-1
                               the years 1918-19,191900, 192001.
                                                       Inerfue in   D ccrwue in   ApraoxixA7»
                                                       1920-21.   1920-21,   rincinTAcm.
                  Coantrict.       1918-19.  1919-20.  1920-2L  cote pared   compared
                                                        with   with
                                                       19l9-2a  1919-20.  1919-20.  1920-21.
                                     £     £      £      £      £       %     %
                                    27,058  00,997  89.GS7  23X90       601    9-98
            i fiorJom
                                   112/198  400,311  245/509   155/102  43 02  27*27
                                    1C,581  4,162  2/932        2,130   015    0-23
            A •
                                    48,001  37,622  24,200      13,556  4*13   270
             suit! of America       6,022  23.5C5  10,519       13,018  258    1*17
            ,;«Tt   -              139,171  97,327  79.5S2      17,745  1002   8*85
                                    32,478  1GG/33  3G3.L35   100,197  1819   40 41
            jlOBJ .
                                    0,290  11,179  13,510   2,337       1*22   1*50
            1 ■
                                           10,C35  9,929         700    116    110
            TJ                      3,937  42/01  12,639        29/225  4*59   1*43
            ■a                      2,918  6,817  3,£38         3.019   073    048
                                           8/01   1,703         4/J28   OCC    0-20
             :                             42.SS7  27/110       15,577  4-0S   3-04
             t (citric*                    0,830  7,510   eso           0-73   084
                                                  7/133  7/JS3                 082
             it  ■                                 251    283                  083

                          Total    395450  917,055  898,571  235/50  254.534  100  100
                                                       Docr*&*« in 1920-21
   196   197   198   199   200   201   202   203   204   205   206