Page 202 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 202

               Table No. a "A"—Prlacipal Import* into Bushire from ail sources  during the year* 1918-19, ,9,^
                                                    Talc*.                  Wiioni.
                                          1913*19.  1919-2(1  1920-21.  1918-19.  1919-20.

                                            £        £         £      Tona.  Ton*.  To*
              Hatch**   . •                  6,260   18>6M     14,930   31     1U    ri
              Wood far baildiag •            6,427   174:0      6.6C7   181   1.317
              Wood act specified .          11,103    7,017     3,658  1,670  1462   <2
              Wine* .   . •                   291               2,146    1      2    U
              Whlehj end Spirit*             4.768    7447      6,877   IS     22    U
              Boer . •                       1.422    4413      3431    21     7S    n
              Caodlee                       31,274   27. US     9,072   261    196   1«  1
              Co&l tad Charcoal .            6,410    A9:0      6,894   479    370   «  I
              Collet .                        341      37        209     2      1    1
              Batter .                      17419    12,2S3     8.2C9   88     67    li
              Bice                         110453    62451     91,705  3,993   1,918  1.11
              Floor .                       21*675   18.(36    66418   1,022   711  V>>.
              Wheat .                        34S5      07       4466    192    24    K!
              Barlej                         3,088   42.25     17,617   209   3410  ljess
              Other Grains .                 7487     5.4W     .6,771   306    185   n
              Loaf Safer .                  95,463   194,9C6  172493  1,146   2,751  ljts;
              Crjitfil u2 Soft Sager       476,658   40643    £48443  10^*2   5459  6,1 IS
              Toe                          576,159   2124CO   188448  1423     760   s;i
              Progs sad Medicine*   ,   .   17,856   24421     16456
              Spice* ......                 45»6£9   15442     22481   458     121   lit
              Clothing* .                   11,661   24449     18,763    2      2    1
              Xeroses* oil .   •   .   .   .  2461   13479      2,472   76     325   !1
              Iron ecd Steel in Bert, etc.    284     2464      8,477    4     46
              Iron end Steel Mexafactare*   .  6,428  11493    12405    21     77    1SJ
              Tin, Lead end Zinc in bars, plain, etc   6.4S3  71,05  6449  15  179   U
              Copper end Kiel el in bvs  »    124    21450     12,279    1     27
              Miner*] products net specified   ,  1428  584     434    263     389
              Cotton Ten*   .   ,   ,       57,645   129482    69496   ISO     222
              TUaoesof Coltoa   .   ,   ,  1406,406  1466497  €70,630  2,467  *499  ifi
              Other 7i**3«a of Ccfctoa plash**, <te.   ■12439  11400  6,767  14
              Ihioa of Far* Waoi    ••      40,196   28442     62,700   *7     14
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