Page 197 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 197
The figures given below, also for purposes of quayside, havo several times been under con
Iconipaxison, show the average rates per ton for sideration, but so far nothing has materialized.
merchandise *£at to Shiraz. The latter proposal seems to bo the merfe prac
ticable, and the Provincial Director of Customs
13;S-19 1919-20 1920-21 has a scheme under consideration at the present
KtlH £07 £28 £19 time for tho improvement of the channel leading
IVcAfj* • £53 £22 £17 from the inner anchorage to the Customs wharf.
Ci»cU . £59 £22 £18 Although the mail service is not yet running
with pre-war regularity and smoothness there has
Shipping. been a tremendous improvement daring the year,
and actually, more fast mail steamers have touch
Compared with the year 1019-20 a larger ed at the port than in previous years but they
number of vessels entered the port of Busbire have come at irregular intervals.
during the year under review* Out of Ihe total Pilferage, which attained undue proportions
punier the vast majority were British ships : during tho period of the war, has been comment
iodeed the only ships of other nationalities were ed on under the heading “ Conditions aflecting
1 Norwegian aud 1 Chinese vesseL Trade.”
Tbe roadstead is 6till a great set-back to ship
ping facilities, as it is not yet possible for vessels of Freight.
tren tuLtfll tonnage to approach within two mflrj The rates for general cargo were
<f the quayside. Suggestions and proposals for
hedging the channels from the outer -to the inner P<rml<iy . , . Rs. 30 per tea.
anchorage, and from the inner anchorage to the C&ited Kbfdoa . . £ 0-10*0 p«r tea.