Page 200 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 200
Table No i •• A "—Comparative statement of Imports Into Bushlre from all countries
the years 1918.10,1919-20, 1920-21. &
Increase la Dermic in
ll'20-ll, 1020.21, mrcmtaci.
Coon try. 1918*19. 1919*20. 1920-2L coinjanxi cumi«rtd
with «ltb
1019.4). 1010*20. 1919*10. ,9->*'l.
£ £ £ £ £ %
Inf* . 2,250,961 1,284,810 1,077,266 207,651 47-18
United Kiogtonj 479,748 719.012 692,636 26,376 26-42 M!
Dutch Indies 64,191 21,908 21,909 o-so
Cbh* 43,059 143,C52 40,731 102,899 5-28 l-r,
Oa^n . 16,729 n,7ir 5,012 6,035 0-13 03
MtoOpcUcis . 13,309 61,208 28,625 ••• 32,590 2-13 M3 i
United Stnta cf America 611 33,008 35,477 2,379 1-20 1«
bv!tterland 11,857 9317 2.S26 6,491 0-35 01!
Bilrdu 11,854 10,720 10,158 •M 562 0-39
it*:j . 10,5C! 14,920 43.195 28,275 055 in
Japan . 7 fiSfy 76,497 26,708 49,789 271 Vi
Efjpt 7JXA 13737S 65,950 71,668 5-06 20
Time* 24)51 22,043 23,010 9C2 0-82 C«
Kewsit 2,091 6155 8,879 3,684 0-26 tv
Ef-giam *» 46,425 46,425 1-3
Sweden 8,622 16,359 7,777 0-32 90
Otiir countries 2^32 5,398 12,643 7,250 029 0-52
Joio-Chio* 12,413 8,277 4441 046 W4:
31ucmt 13,657 893 12,765 050 004
Bcogkonf • 131,575 139,255 7,711 4*35 K2
Jm • • 174,206 174#* 79?
Oennnnjr 3,520 3,520 Otf
Tom 2,946,45) 2,723,357 2,462,797 282,188 542,748 100 10
Decrease in 1920-1921