Page 173 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 173
fable No- 3*A.—Imports Into the Port of Bushlrc from different countries during the years
19x8-19 and 1919-20, classified accordingto Persian Customs—<onti.
Vatu*. WxXORT.
ArtitW. Country*.
1918-19. 1919-20. 1918-19. 1919-20.
£ £ Tom Too*
fc'J and SHfcr Manufacture* India • 813 Ml
United Kingdun 9 87
Other Ccmntrioj 41 127
Bahrein 554
Hongkong r 219 :
Total 8G3 1.618
faaou* Stone* *. • . India 6 66
Stre*, worked and un-werhed India 8 197 27
Koweit 28 2
Oman 17 3
Bahrein 7 17 1
Total 16 269 33
Uicgal Product* not spedEed India . 285 340 19 8
Oman . 213 164 97 21
Bahrein . 498 430 127 333
Other Countries 32 60 20 27
Total 1,028 984 | 263 389
Ulen, raw India 6 4
kCa jam* India . « 40,911 83.313 162 244.
United Kingdom 15,700 43,761 24 70
Other Countries 934 2»809 4 S
Total 67,545 129,883 180 322
r:*a* d cottom India . * . 710,130 545,374
United Kingdom 387,617 494,500
Italj / 4(352 5,696
Switzerland 1^63
Mesopotamia 656 6,192 14
France 363 1^4 2
Other countries 1*327 3,982 2 4
Total 1*106,408 U066J97 2,467
°* Ct^on embroidered India 1*475 1286 S 1
^ wool
United Kingdom . 214 668 1
Italy 122 •••
- Total 1*811 1*963 3 2